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Sunday, 18 December 2011
Monday, 5 December 2011
Starch is the plant storage polysaccharide. It is insoluble and forms starch granules inside many plant cells. Being insoluble means starch does not change the water potential of cells, so does not cause the cells to take up water by osmosis (more on osmosis later). It is not a pure substance, but is a mixture of amylose and amylopectin.
Amylose is simply poly-(1-4) glucose, so is a straight chain. In fact the chain is floppy, and it tends to coil up into a helix. | |
Amylopectin is poly(1-4) glucose with about 4% (1-6) branches. This gives it a more open molecular structure than amylose. Because it has more ends, it can be broken more quickly than amylose by amylase enzymes. | |
Both amylose and amylopectin are broken down by the enzyme amylase into maltose, though at different rates. |
Cellulose is only found in plants, where it is the main component of cell walls. It is poly (1-4) glucose, but with a different isomer of glucose. Starch and glycogen contain a-glucose, in which the hydroxyl group on carbon 1 sticks down from the ring, while cellulose contains b-glucose, in which the hydroxyl group on carbon 1 sticks up. This means that in a chain alternate glucose molecules are inverted.
hydrogen bonds, which are weak.
ionic bonds between R-groups with positive or negative charges, which are quite strong.
sulphur bridges - covalent S-S bonds between two cysteine amino acids, which are strong.
This apparently tiny difference makes a huge difference in structure and properties. While the a1-4 glucose polymer in starch coils up to form granules, the b14 glucose polymer in cellulose forms straight chains. Hundreds of these chains are linked together by hydrogen bonds to form cellulose microfibrils. These microfibrils are very strong and rigid, and give strength to plant cells, and therefore to young plants and also to materials such as paper, cotton and sellotape.
The b-glycosidic bond cannot be broken by amylase, but requires a specific cellulase enzyme. The only organisms that possess a cellulase enzyme are bacteria, so herbivorous animals, like cows and termites whose diet is mainly cellulose, have mutualistic bacteria in their guts so that they can digest cellulose. Humans cannot digest cellulose, and it is referred to as fibre.
1. Primary Structure
This is just the sequence of amino acids in the polypeptide chain, so is not really a structure at all. However, the primary structure does determine the rest of the protein structure. Finding the primary structure of a protein is called protein sequencing, and the first protein to be sequenced was the protein hormone insulin, by the Cambridge biochemist Fredrick Sanger, for which work he got the Nobel prize in 1958.
2. Secondary Structure
This is the most basic level of protein folding, and consists of a few basic motifs that are found in all proteins. The secondary structure is held together by hydrogen bonds between the carboxyl groups and the amino groups in the polypeptide backbone. The two most common secondary structure motifs are the a-helix and the b-sheet.
The a-helix. The polypeptide chain is wound round to form a helix. It is held together by hydrogen bonds running parallel with the long helical axis. There are so many hydrogen bonds that this is a very stable and strong structure. Do not confuse the a-helix of proteins with the famous double helix of DNA. Helices are common structures throughout biology. | |
The b-sheet. The polypeptide chain zig-zags back and forward forming a sheet of antiparallel strands. Once again it is held together by hydrogen bonds. |
The a-helix and the b-sheet were discovered by Linus Pauling, for which work he got the Nobel prize in 1954. There are a number of other secondary structure motifs such as the b-bend, the triple helix (only found in collagen), and the random coil.
3. Tertiary Structure
This is the compact globular structure formed by the folding up of a whole polypeptide chain. Every protein has a unique tertiary structure, which is responsible for its properties and function. For example the shape of the active site in an enzyme is due to its tertiary structure. The tertiary structure is held together by bonds between the R groups of the amino acids in the protein, and so depends on what the sequence of amino acids is. There are three kinds of bonds involved:
So the secondary structure is due to backbone interactions and is thus largely independent of primary sequence, while tertiary structure is due to side chain interactions and thus depends on the amino acid sequence.
4. Quaternary Structure
This structure is found in proteins containing more than one polypeptide chain, and simply means how the different polypeptide chains are arranged together. The individual polypeptide chains are usually globular, but can arrange themselves into a variety of quaternary shapes. e.g.:
Haemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells, consists of four globular subunits arranged in a tetrahedral (pyramid) structure. Each subunit contains one iron atom and can bind one molecule of oxygen. | |
Immunoglobulins, the proteins that make antibodies, comprise four polypeptide chains arranged in a Y-shape. The chains are held together by sulphur bridges. This shape allows antibodies to link antigens together, causing them to clump. | |
Actin, one of the proteins found in muscles, consists of many globular subunits arranged in a double helix to form long filaments. | |
Tubulin is a globular protein that polymerises to form hollow tubes called microtubules. These form part of the cytoskeleton, and make cilia and flagella move. |
These four structures are not real stages in the formation of a protein, but are simply a convenient classification that scientists invented to help them to understand proteins. In fact proteins fold into all these structures at the same time, as they are synthesised.
The final three-dimensional shape of a protein can be classified as globular or fibrous.
globular structure | fibrous (or filamentous) structure |
The vast majority of proteins are globular, including enzymes, membrane proteins, receptors, storage proteins, etc. Fibrous proteins look like ropes and tend to have structural roles such as collagen (bone), keratin (hair), tubulin (cytoskeleton) and actin (muscle). They are usually composed of many polypeptide chains. A few proteins have both structures: the muscle protein myosin has a long fibrous tail and a globular head, which acts as an enzyme.
This diagram shows a molecule of the enzyme dihydrofolate reductase, which comprises a single polypeptide chain. It has been drawn to highlight the different secondary structures. | This diagram shows part of a molecule of collagen, which is found in bone and cartilage. It has a unique, very strong triple-helix structure. |
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Friday, 21 October 2011
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
comments on binging
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Секреты сексуальности
Секреты сексуальности
В наши дни термин роковая женщина употребляется все реже и реже. Оно и понятно: какой там "рок" после 10-часового рабочего дня? Когда впереди еще целый вечер с домашними делами, уставшим мужем и детьми? Бросьте, дамы! Предлагаю по-хорошему разозлиться! Причем не на кого-нибудь, а на себя. И вспомнить о том, что нам дано природой и чем мы совершенно перестали пользоваться. А чтобы стать секс-богиней, надо совсем немного: уверенность в том, что вы великолепны, и ряд приемов, которые просты и стары как мир. А главное, от рождения живут в каждой из вас!
1.Собираясь отходить ко сну, скажи любимому пару слов (пусть самых обычных, без всякого намека на секс) чуть более низким, чем обычно, голосом. Для пущего эффекта можно добавить легкое придыхание в стиле Мэрилин Монро. Можете не сомневаться: эта простая уловка тут же заставит его переключить свое внимание на вас. Даже если в этот момент он смотрит футбольный матч или бой Тайсона с Льюисом...
2. Приняв душ или ванну, НИ В КОЕМ СЛУЧАЕ не надевайте пижаму или ночнушку! Запахнитесь в халатик (желательно, не вытираясь и призывно "блистая" капельками воды на коже), но не наглухо, а чтобы халатик при ходьбе распахивался, открывая взору мужчины лакомые части вашего тела! Каким бы хорошо знакомым оно для него ни было, подглядывать нравится всем. Даже самым сильно уставшим за день.
3. Откорректируйте свою "вечернюю" походку в сторону максимальной сексуальности. Походка должна быть не просто "свободная, от бедра" а еще с легким покачиванием оного при совершенно расслабленных ягодицах! Также неплохо подсмотреть за тем, как ходят по подиуму манекенщицы: ставя ступню прямо перед собой. Совсем как это описывает старое выражение "ходит как по половице". Не забывайте также держать корпус прямо, отчего грудь кажется более соблазнительной.
4. Легкая нотка свежего пота всегда будоражит в сексуальной игре. Нет, мы вовсе не советуем вам заниматься на ночь глядя тяжелым физическим трудом. Но пригласить его поваляться на ковре милое дело! Что, он у вас ленив и тяжел на подъем? Притворитесь, что ищите под кроватью оторвавшуюся пуговицу! Увидев, как ваш стан призывно изгибается попкой вверх, он моментально забудет о природной неповоротливости.
5. Дайте себе кличку. Что-нибудь вроде "киска", "куколка" или "сладенькая". Мужчине о ее существовании знать необязательно. Столь фривольное мысленное обращение к самой себе непременно настроит вас на сексуальный лад и поспособствует усиленной выработке феромонов. Странно? Ну и что? Зато работает!
6. Потратьтесь на белье. Желательно не просто кружевное, но даже шелковое. Его совершенно необязательно демонстрировать партнеру, но сама мысль о том, что оно, такое красивое и нежное, на вас, подарит определенное настроение. А если уж захотелось разгуляться не на шутку, поройтесь в ЕГО трусах! Выберите из них самые мужские, самые свободные, самые "боксерские". А теперь представьте: снимаете вы халатик, а на вас ТАКОЕ... Да он просто с ума от страсти сойдет!
7. Пристаньте к мужчине. Сами. По собственной инициативе. Как это принято делать у них. Ущипните его (мирно проходящего мимо по квартире и ничего не подозревающего) за ягодицу. Или невзначай залезьте рукой под рубашку. Также безотказно работает древний способ гладить своей ногой его... ну, в том числе и ногу, под столом. Причем чем больше людей за тем столом будет помимо вас двоих, тем круче.
8. На пару вечеров в неделю упраздните домашний халат, тренировочный костюм и шлепанцы. Обратившись, наоборот, к обтягивающим брючкам и топику, надетым на голое тело. О чем невзначай дайте понять любимому: дескать, и почему это я раньше не думала, что так классно ходить без нижнего белья!.. Только не перегибайте палку и не садитесь ужинать в шелковом пеньюаре: не надо путать секс с едой!
9. Продумайте план внезапного соблазнения. Нет мужчин, которые смогли бы остаться равнодушными к женщине, скользящей рукой по самым интимным частям тела в тот момент, когда он расшнуровывает ботинки... Только, конечно, постарайтесь его не испугать: если в ваших отношених вообще не приняты сексуальные игры, лучше начать с чего-нибудь попроще. Например, с чувственного французского поцелуя вместо обычного чмокания в щечку...
10. Встаньте против света, надев полупрозрачную юбку на голое тело. Упс! Недолго же вы так простояли...
11. Купите себе любой предмет туалета со множеством пуговок. Желательно маленьких. В идеале это должен быть халатик или домашнее платье. Поймайте момент, когда он смотрит в вашу сторону, и расстегните пуговку-другую. Будет ли она на груди или в районе коленок вам виднее. Это зависит от того, какую часть своего тела вы считаете более соблазнительной. Для него.
12. Вспомните, когда вы последний раз смотрели ему прямо в глаза? Хотя бы минуту? А между тем прямой "бесстыжий" взгляд может быть страшным оружием женщины. Пари держу: мужчина его не оставит без внимания. И непременно спросит: "Что?" А тут вы ему: "Представляю, как ты сделаешь..." Фразу можете продолжить, руководствуясь собственной фантазией. Главное, не сбиться на бытовой лад и не попросить его прибить гвоздь или вынести мусор.
13. Эротические танцы хороши для любой женщины. И любого же мужчины. Только опять же не следует сразу пытаться скопировать Ким Бейсингер в фильме "9 1/2 недель". Для начала вполне достаточно начать возиться на кухне не "в тихую", а как бы невзначай пританцовывая под музыку: для этого даже не обязательно включать ЕГО любимую стереосистему в гостиной. Чтобы не вызвать лишних подозрений, достаточно включить на кухне радио.
14. На пару вечеров откажитесь от прически. Да, ни одна нормальная женщина не моет голову по вечерам. Но ведь вы всю жизнь были нормальной, так можно, наконец, позволить себе небольшое безумство! Совсем такое легенькое: выйдите из душа не только полумокрой и в распахивающемся пеньюаре, но еще и со свежевымытыми, растрепанными волосами. Не тронутыми феном, пенкой и лаком. Что придаст вам вид девчонки-хулиганки или лесной феи - это уж в какую сторону его воображение сработает...
15. Освойте леность в движениях. Вы когда-нибудь обращали внимание, как двигаются роковые соблазнительницы в голливудском кино? Минимум спешки, томные повороты головы, медленное передвижение по комнате из "пункта А в пункт Б", лениво отпивая по крохотному глоточку вина из большого бокала... Подобное поведение концентрирует на вас его внимание, заставляя трепетать в предвкушении. Чего? А это уж вам решать...
16. Будьте "строгой госпожой". Особенно если в последнее время вы пребывали в "пассивной" роли. Не стесняйтесь брать инициативу на себя. А его отговорки типа "подожди, не время" наказывайте действием. В прямом смысле слова. Не задумываясь о последствиях, завалите мужчину на ковер или диван, оседлайте и слегка придушите. С самым серьезным выражением лица. Верьте: сила и власть отличный афродизиак!
17. Постоянно и отчаянно кокетничайте и флиртуйте. Опять же не начиная внезапно. Надо беречь нервную систему ближнего! Мало-помалу начинайте вести себя как в первые дни знакомства: мурлыча, хихикая над каждым его словом, постоянно трогая его руками, трепетно опуская взор. Да разве так уж трудно вспомнить, как ЭТО было? Тем более что наградой будет поистине феерический секс. Такой же, как в вашу первую ночь...
18. Перед тем как он собирается посетить душ на ночь, уберите из ванной комнаты все полотенца. Ему поневоле придется выглянуть и обратиться за помощью. Которая будет ему немедленно предоставлена! И не только в виде свежего махрового полотенца, но и его обнаженной женщины в придачу...
19. Находиться вечером в собственной квартире да с полным макияжем на лице абсурд. Секс сексом, но кожа должна отдыхать... Крайне соблазнительно будет выглядеть свежее, освобожденное от "оков" лицо лишь с капелькой прозрачного блеска на губах. Помните, дамы: красимся мы в основном для себя. А мужчины просто обожают наш естественный вид. Потому как такой беззащитный...
20. Спите голой. Большую часть жизни мы проводим в одетом виде. И, лишь оказавшись обнаженной в постели с мужчиной, можно почувствовать себя настоящей женщиной. Как, вы только что купили ему теплую пижаму на зиму? Начните читать этот текст сначала... Все в ваших руках!
Уставшая красавица
У каждой из нас случаются периоды авралов, когда дел столько, что некогда продохнуть. Причем хуже всего, в случае если «пожар» случается не столько на работе, но и дома. Тогда, приходя домой поздно вечером, очень важно заняться и домашними делами. А правило про то, что наилучший отдых – это смена деятельности, уже не срабатывает…
Просыпаясь утром, мы посмотрим на себя в зеркало с ужасом – круги или же мешки под глазами, бледность, красные глаза. Что же делать? Так как идти на работу в таком виде не хочется…
1. Верно начните день. Само собой, вам очень хочется спать. И вы предпочитаете понежиться в постели лишние 15 минут, чем заняться собой. Впрочем это неверно. В конце концов, эти некоторое количество минут все точно также не сумеют избавить вас от усталости. А вот утренний душ – абсолютно может приятно взбодрить. У этой несложной процедуры есть и некоторое количество секретов. Первый из них – контрастный душ. Он не столько бодрит, но и улучшает обмен веществ. Второй – гель для душа с ярким, насыщенным ароматом (к примеру, грейпфрута или же бергамота) Третий – массаж: во время душа – с помощью мочалки или же в последствии душа – с кремом или же гелем.
2. Приведите в порядок глаза. Незамедлительно очень важно отметить, что основная масса глазных капель не устраняет усталость, а лишь убирает ее основной симптом – покраснение, в первую очередь просто сужая сосуды. В следствии этого ими лучше не злоупотреблять. Для такого для того, чтобы глаза по-настоящему отдохнули, очень важно на протяжении дня делать простые упражнения для глаз (к примеру, посмотреть по очереди вдаль и на кончик носа, проворно моргать), а еще закрывать глаза и давать им расслабиться на некоторое количество минут.
В периоды авралов не забывайте пользоваться кремом или же гелем для ухода за кожей вокруг глаз.
3. Очищайте кожу. Даже в случае если вы очень устали – ни в коем случае не ложитесь спать, не смыв макияж! И с утра непременно находите время чтобы очистить и тонизировать вашу кожу. Это всего-то займет 5 минут, но несмотря на все вышесказанное эффект будет заметен.
В случае если аврал затянулся – непременно раз или же 2 в неделю (в зависимости от типа вашей кожи) делайте глубокое очищение: с помощью скраба или же маски-пленки.
4. Используйте косметикой верно. Само собой, в случае если вы желаете выглядеть хорошо, даже будучи усталой, без декоративной косметики не обойтись. Эксперты рекомендуют в таких случаях пользоваться ярко-розовым или же светло-красным блеском для губ или же помадой – это освежает лицо. И вообще – придерживаться в макияже светлых тонов.
5. Не пренебрегайте ароматами. Верно выбранные духи имеют все шансы помочь вам преодолеть усталость хотя бы на некоторое время. К примеру, выберите запах с лимонными нотками. Или же каждый другой, который поднимает вам настроение и придает силы.
6. Ешьте железосодержащие продукты. К примеру – овощи зеленого цвета и просто молоденькую зелень, яйца, красное мясо. И избегайте есть много сладкого!
Выглядеть ухоженно (курс для чайников)
| Красота
Все очень просто: женщина должна выглядеть и чувствовать себя ухоженной. Все тело должно быть в порядке. И для самого простого ухода нужно иметь:
1. Средства для очистки кожи лица - молочко, сливки, гели, пенки и специальное мыло (людям с жирной кожей не рекомендуется умываться водой с мылом и пользоваться спиртовыми лосьонами - это стимулирует кожу к еще большей сальности).
2. Средства для очистки кожи век от макияжа (кто не использует декоративную косметику для глаз, может использовать средства, указанные в 1-ом пункте).
3. Увлажняющий крем для лица.
4. Маску для лица в соответствии с кожей вашего типа (питание или предупреждение старения кожи необходимо начинать сразу же после того, как закончится подростковый период - сначала масками из овощей-фруктов, после специальной косметикой).
5. Шампунь.
6. Кондиционер.
7. Средство для укладки волос (минимум раз в полгода надо посещать в парикмахерскую, даже если вы носите длинные волосы, их надо подранивать и срезать посекшиеся кончики, со СПЕЦИАЛИСТОМ вы выбираете, какую укладку и каким средством ее делать).
8. Крем для рук.
9. Желательно - маску для рук или ранозаживляющий крем, позволяющий быстро залечить микротрещины от мороза, раздражение от стирки и пр.
10. Уход за ногтями укрепляющего свойства используется, как лечение примерно на неделю, в это время ногти не красят.
11. Крем для удаления кутикул (смягчение кожи вокруг ногтя, чтобы не было заусенцев).
12. Гель для душа;
13. Скраб для тела (обратите внимания не шершавые участки - локти, колени, просто погладьте себя всю, если кожа не грубая и если на локтях и коленях не темнее чем везде, то и не надо скраба).
14. Молочко для тела можно подобрать легкое для жирной кожи и жирное - для сухой.
15. Ванночки для пяток (можно использовать все, начиная от просто горячей воды и морской соли до вываренной картофельной кожуры и специальных косметических порошков).
16. Камень для стирания загрубевшей кожи на ступнях.
17. Жирный крем для ног (ступней), вообще есть серии специально для ног.
18. Маникюрный набор, важно: ногти подпиливать, а не стричь.
19. Бритву, воск или крем для депиляции. Убирать все длинные или темные волосы кроме прически, ресниц, бровей и того, что не видно под самыми открытыми трусиками. Обратите внимание на волосы выше колена и на усики. Есть? Если да, удалять!
20. Дезодорант - 2 штуки (или больше) - на 24 часа и в комплекте с духами, для дешевого варианта - подбирайте дезодорант на 24 часа без запаха или с подходящим к духам ароматом.
21. Духи и желательно не одни - на день и на вечер.
22. Расчески, заколочки.
23. Фен.
24. Ватные палочки для ежедневной чистки ушей.
25. Вата или ватные диски.
Рекомендации "делайте так и купите это" - занятие пустое. Наверное, не лишним будет обратить внимание на некоторые вещи.
Насчет декоративной косметики я совсем не специалист, но замечу: акцент на лице действительно надо делать или на глаза, или на губы - и то, и другое для вечеринок, постели (в активном ее смысле) и еще для выступлений на сцене и съемок в клипах, правда, голубая кровь там не замечена.
Тональный крем не должен быть маской, по скулам и подбородку не должна проходить граница из разных оттенков, переход надо либо стушевывать спонжиком (губка для макияжа) или пользоваться "прозрачным" тональным кремом).
Пудра должна быть или везде, или нигде, напудрить только нос недопустимо. Надели вечернее платье с декольте - напудрите кисточкой и лицо, и шею, и плечи, и все что не прикрывает ткань (а перед этим заправьте салфетку за пазуху - так пудра не осыплется на одежду).
Конечно, нужно различать макияж вечерний и дневной, причем дневной макияж должен быть большее время суток на лице (рабочий день + время до сумерек), если вас пригласили на пикник, краситься надо дневно и без цветной помады (ну где вы там будете мазаться после еды? а во время еды под конец все будут наблюдать полусъеденную помаду?). Хотя можно пользовать и устойчивыми ко всему помадами.
Волосы мыть лучше каждый день - это не для пользы, а для того, чтобы чувствовать себя ухоженной (для меня, конечно), если я не вымыла с утра голову, весь день грязная. Моем голову шампунем, если волосы совсем нежирные и были мыты вчера, наносим на корни (только на корни) шампунь моем голову, т.е. ее, кожу, а не волосы и смываем, если голова уже действительно грязнючая, то повторяем еще один раз. Желательно ополоснуть волосы кондиционером. Если возникла необходимость пользоваться бальзамом, помните, что бальзамы даже после долго смывания могут оставаться на волосах и ухаживают за ними, но и делают их словно грязными, т.е. слипшимися, тяжелыми. Бальзамы-кондиционеры другое дело смываются без видимого следа (заметьте, гораздо полезнее, чем просто кондиционеры).
Сушим волосы длинные без экстремальных растираний, я просто все заворачиваю в полотенце на 10 минут. Потом берем в руки фен и расческу и сушим корни на холодном или тепленьком воздухе (не на горячем!). Кончики можно подогревать (их все равно скоро резать).
Ногти по форме красивые надо растить и красить (здесь нужен наглядный, пример маникюрши, как говорится, смотрите в оба на приеме) ногти маленькие, короткие надо под накладные или носить короткими, покрытыми светлыми не яркими лаками и без всяких красных, синих, желтых, черных.
Весь альтернативный колор надо забыть порядочной ухоженной леди.
Волосы баклажан, ногти цвета брюха навозной мухи, губы цвета жертвы вампира, проколотые брови делают женщину компьютерным коллажем, а не женщиной.
Ванночки для пяток можно устраивать из обычной горячей воды, можно с солью для ванн, можно с другими специальными средствами. У меня это чаще получается так - есть 30 минут на себя всю. Ставлю заглушку в ванну, включаю воду горяченько и моюсь под душем минут 15-20 (волосы, тело и бритье) за это время кожа на пятках достаточно распаривается, чтобы снять ее камнем. Реже использую ванночки с солью, вареной картофельной кожурой (в сезон картошки) и было у меня что-то из серии "ухоженные ступни" "care foot".
Самое главное у ухоженной женщины - это здоровый вид ее кожи и здоровый запах ее тела. Поэтому, надо лечить угревую сыпь, хоть по пять раз в год намазываясь Зинеритом и пр., надо правильно питаться, регулярно потеть в спортзале или бане/сауне. Лечить зубы, чистить кишечник для здорового дыхания, может надо сходить к ухо-горло-носу, чтобы проверить, не забивается ли пища в рыхлые миндалины (и регулярно промывать их, если это так). Если мучает сильный запах тела, тоже, видимо, надо как-то бороться и, скорее всего, изнутри - диеты, гормоны, но есть и временные средства - очень сильные дезодоранты на 7 дней и для ног, и для подмышечных впадин, например Лавилин.
Помните зимой - зимнее, летом - летнее. Т.е понимаете, когда надо носить бриджи, когда сумочки с мехом. Есть, конечно, исключения, но не для аристократичной особы.
Носить открытые босоножки на работу можно только в жару (выше 25 по Цельсию), и без высокого каблука, чудо для соблазнения на шпильке и с одной лямочкой - на вечер. Кстати, есть колготки и чулки плотностью 3-5 ден (очень тонкие) и охлаждающим эффектом специально для жары. В некоторых местах с голыми ногами нельзя в любую погоду.
И, действительно, в женщине важна походка, не рекомендую вам залезать на высокие каблуки после джинсов, это очень большая наука, походите, посмотрите на женщин на улице, которые ковыляют на шпильках и при этом не разгибают ногу в колене - никогда так не делайте. Уж лучше они бы ходите скукожившись.
Тем, кто никто не носил юбки, советую начать носить не короткие, не узкие, лучше длинные широкие или с приличным (не высоким) разрезом или запАхом.
Под пиджак (если речь идет о костюме) носить надо или свободные блузки, которые заправляются или обтягивающий трикотаж. Трикотаж должен быть или по талию (чуть прикрывать пояс юбки - брюк), или боди, или оставаться поверх юбки - брюк, но в последнем случае надо будет все время себя дергать, вернее кофточку дергать вниз.
Если при ношении бюстгальтера лямки врезаются в мягкое тело, образуя бугорки, значит, носить вещи просторные как из трикотажа, так из ткани. Дамам с животиком обязательно кофточки на выпуск и чем больше животик, тем длиннее кофточка.
Кстати о животиках: ну ладно, немного жирка, это женщинам положено, но вот раздувшийся от мышечной слабости низ живота недопустим, так что всех призываю втянуть в себя все и замереть так навсегда, не расслабляться весь день и через месяц (в худшем случае к июню) и все встанет на свои места.
Сильно потеющим (что само по себе не страшно) плевать на ткань при покупке (конечно, в переносном смысле, но иногда и прямом если никто не видит), и покупать только то, что не меняет свой цвет при намокании. Нет ничего хуже небритых подмышек или вида промокшей от пота ткани.
Белье обязательно под обтягивающие вещи специальное невидимое (без кружев, без выделяющихся швов), под полупрозрачные и дырявые кофточки - телесного цвета. Если кофточка короткая, подойдите к зеркалу и поднимите руки или присядьте, чтобы видеть спину - кофточка задралась - не видна ли резинка от колгот? Если да - это ужасно, немедленно расположите последние на бедрах так, чтобы их не видно было.
Да еще о белье: помните, кружева, выделяющиеся сквозь обтягивающую одежку, отдаляют окружающих от мысли о вашей благородности.
О хорошем белье: конечно, хорошее белье должно быть незаметным сквозь одежду и делать женщину не развратной, а расслабленной. Главное - подобрать не форму, а размер, особенно для верхней детали. Задняя лямочка классического бюстгальтера должна быть под лопатками, а не на них или выше. Вообще без белья ходить можно, в случаях, описанных сексопатологами, или при "0" размере, или вечером с надежным мужчиной, когда обтягивающее идеальную фигуру платье не допускает больше ничего, кроме обуви и украшений.
Есть две вещи, от которых женщина должна избавиться в случае даже самого маленького изъяна - лак на ногтях и колготки. Если что-то стерлось, облупилось или прошло три-четыре дня после маникюра, то его надо безжалостно стирать или перекрасить один пальчик (не забудьте на руку, которой вы будете стирать этот пальчик, надеть резиновую перчатку, а то и там маникюр поплывет, а лучше попросите маму или подругу). Колготки не должны быть в зацепках, естественно, рваные (те сразу на хоз. нужды или в ведро с мусором) и велики. В колготах истина одна: или тратите кучу денег на одну дорогую качественную пару, или туже кучу на много одноразовых (те, что дешевле 80-100 руб.).
Две косички на женщине, которая выглядит за 20, смотрятся отвратительно! Чтобы выглядеть веселее, можно просто купить два маленьких крокодильчика (это заколки такие) и подколоть волосы на висках повыше, как рожки. И то сто раз подумать, нормально ли это!
Леди не ест на бегу, потому что перед едой надо мыть руки, после еды надо поправлять макияж, а во время еды надо думать о еде, а не о бомжах, светофоре. На улице можно есть только в открытых кафе, на собственном балконе (веранде) или на пикнике.
Главное, конечно, любить себя, ухаживать за собой, пить витамины, листать литературу и помнить, что все болячки от вашего отношения к себе. Мало убираться в своей квартире и не мусорить на улице, надо содержать в порядке себя, и тогда вам никогда не будет одиноко, дискомфортно. Конечно, у каждого есть проблемы с тем-то и тем-то, но надо решать их, и если решения нет сейчас, то может оно появится через месяц, через год - надо следить и пробовать самой.
А о времени в сутках не беспокойтесь. Главное все правильно разместить.
Вот у меня много шкатулочек, тут - обручальные кольца, тут - пинцет и зеркало (выщипывание бровей - ежеутренний процесс), там - заколки, здесь - декоративка.
Защитный крем для рук где? Правильно - рядом с мойкой на кухне - никогда не забудете намазаться. Увлажняющий крем для век на ночь - рядом с зубной щеткой, тоже не забудется. И так - все.
Иногда то не сделаешь, иногда се. Но руки, лицо и шея не должны быть забыты никогда. Это ваша визитка, это будет видно всегда и это труднее всего восстановить. Можно не помыть голову (надеть косыночку, панамку, в сочетании, конечно), можно запустить пятки на зиму, но легче от этого не станет, особенно, если вы знаете, что у вас что-то неухоженное.
Рыкова Наталья
Saturday, 8 October 2011
NumaDerm — If your skin could talk » Salt Water and Skin: Pros and Cons
For a long time, people were told that salt was bad for their skin. However, anecdotal reports of people swimming in the ocean only to emerge with cleaner, clearer, and healthier looking skin kept popping up. Now we know that some salt can do wonders for your skin. Of course, there are still some reasons to avoid salt water in certain situations.
Positive Results
Salt has many healing properties that most of us take for granted. Today, we tend to see it as a flavoring for food or the enemy of our blood pressure readings but it actually can be the base for a useful mouthwash, toothpaste, insect and bee sting treatment, and more. However, salt can also play a role in helping with our beauty regime. For example, if you want to give yourself a facial, you can do so by combining olive oil and salt then rubbing the mixture into your skin. When you wash it off, you’ll find that your face feels tingly and rejuvenated for a lot less than the cost of spa facial.
If you have trouble with dry itchy skin, especially during the winter, call in the salt brigade. When you finish your bath or shower, spend a few minutes rubbing salt into your skin. The rubbing actually helps improve circulation which is always good but the friction from the salt particles will remove dead skin which is often the source of the itchiness.
While not necessarily just a treatment for the skin, salt water baths can deliver fabulous results, including some you may not have considered. These baths can help reduce inflammation and increase circulation to promote the healing of damaged or sore muscles. Adding a few handfuls of salt to your bathwater can also help reduce fatigue.
Some research also suggests that salt water can help to acne treatment, improve eczema outbreaks, and treat psoriasis. That makes sense given that salt has been used for treating skin infections and other problems for centuries. Even the earliest physician – Hippocrates – recognized the benefits of this chemical.
Negative Results
While salt intentionally applied to our skin or obtained via a dip in the ocean may be good for our skin, other encounters may not always be so positive. For example, if you have too much salt in your water, your skin may feel slimy and unclean. In fact, because most soaps do not work well in the presence of salt, your skin probably won’t get very clean and this could cause to future skin problems, including acne.
Salt in your water can sometimes cause over-softening. You don’t want that either. Instead, find ways to reduce the salt content of your water. Adding a salt-free softener might do the trick.
Salt Penetration: Good or Bad
Overall, the deliberate use of salt as part of your beauty or relaxation routine seems to have plenty of benefits. Whether you have oily or dry skin, the salt can help your skin look more beautiful and younger than even spa-quality treatments.
Tomato and Avocado Salad with Eco-friendly Empress Dressing
June 12th, 2011 by By Yayan # Salad
Tomato and Avocado Salad with Eco-friendly Empress Dressing. A puree of peas and numerous clean natural herbs lend this healthy dressing its emerald eco-friendly glow. With basically a speck of body body fat and minimal calories, it provides lots of vitamins A and C – with calcium and iron, too – when dressing a salad of red-colored-colored, ripe tomato vegetables, buttery avocado and low-body body fat mozzarella cheese.
The ingredients needed to make this tomato and avocado salad ;
For your Eco-friendly Empress Dressing:
1 mug fresh plant leaves (parsley, chive, tulsi and/or mint)
1 (8.5 ounce) can sweet peas, drained
2 cloves garlic clove clove, coarsely chopped
2 scallions, trimmed and coarsely chopped
1 tablespoon extra-virgin essential essential olive oil
1/2 cup low-body body fat buttermilk
2 tbsps . freshly squashed fresh lemon juice
2 tbsps . white-colored, distilled vinegar
Kosher salt, to taste
1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper
For your Salad:
2 small avocados, pitted and peeled, each cut in 9 wedges
3 large ripe tomato vegetables, each cut in 6 slices
Kosher salt and ground black pepper, to taste
18 slices low-body body fat mozzarella
1 lemon, cut into wedges
The guidance to make this tomato and avocado salad :
To make the dressing, puree all of the dressing elements in the blender or mixer until smooth.
Alternate the tomato slices, avocado wedges and mozzarella slices about the serving platter or 6 individual plates. Season with pepper and salt. Drizzle half the dressing over salad and garnish with lemon wedges. Serve the relaxation from the dressing silently.
Healthy Breakfast Recipes
Healthy Breakfast Recipes – 2 Quick Ideas To Kick Start Your Day
Author: Fiona Lesley
Healthy Breakfast Recipes are the most important start to the day. Try the Granola Recipe or Mango Lassi Recipe and see your energy boosted and hunger pangs curbed. Plus, these healthy recipes are more economical and healthier that commercial cereals and drinks.
Now is a great time to give some thought to healthy breakfast recipes. We often leave home in a stressed state, grabbing a cup of coffee and perhaps a slice of toast on the way. However, breakfast is probably the most important meal of the day. It is the meal that fires up the engines and gives us energy for the day. This couldn’t be more important when it comes to children and teenagers – if we want them to concentrate to their maximum and perform on the sports field, we need to ensure that we give them something that will sustain them through the morning.
1 Granola Recipe
This Granola Recipe is a great substitute for commercial cereals – it is lower in fat and sugar and is easily made at home. It is also much more economical. You can ring the changes – substitute any of the dried fruits below with your own choice – goji berries, dried cranberries, dried mango or banana. You can chop the dried fruits in a food processor which speeds things up – process until they are just chopped and don’t let them become a mush.
2lb 2oz / 1kg rolled oats
¼ cup oil
½ cup honey, melted
1 cup hot water
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 cup toasted almonds, chopped or whole
2 cups raisins (about 8oz / 250g)
2 cups chopped dried peaches
2 cups chopped dried figs
5 oz / 140g chopped dried apple rings
Heat the oven to 300° F / 160° C.
Pour the oats into a large baking tray. Combine the hot water, oil, honey, vanilla and cinnamon. Pour over the oats. Make sure that the liquid is well stirred in.
Bake for about an hour, stirring every 10 minutes. Make sure that the mixture doesn’t burn. It is ready when the oats are no longer wet and are golden in color.
Remove from the oven and add almonds and dried fruit. Stir very well.
Allow to cool and then store in air tight containers.
2 Mango Lassi Recipe
Protein is important first thing in the morning, but you may not have the time or inclination to cook up eggs. Fruit Smoothie recipes are prepared in seconds and this Mango Lassi Recipe is both delicious and satisfying.
2 ripe mangoes – about 12 oz / 350g
2 cups yogurt
½ cup milk
2 tablespoons sugar (optional)
Peel the mangoes. Cut the flesh off the pip.
Place the mango, yogurt and milk in a blender.
Sweeten the mango lassi with a little sugar if necessary. If your mangoes are very sweet you won’t need to add sugar. This mixture is fairly thick, so you may want to add a little more milk.
Pour into 2 – 3 glasses and serve.
There are more healthy breakfast recipes at Healthy Breakfast Recipes.
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About the Author
Fiona Lesley has had over 20 years of experience cooking delicious meals for family and friends alike. A teacher by profession, she brings together her years of time and money-saving tips at
Quick and Healthy Breakfast Recipes for the School Year Read More
Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but who has time for a healthy breakfast, especially when mornings are often hectic? Feeding school-age kids a quick and healthy breakfast can be particularly challenging, but it's not impossible. Whether you can pull off a sit-down meal, or need breakfast on the go, we've got quick, healthy, and nutritionally-balanced recipes and tips to ensure everyone in the family is well-fed and ready for the day.
Studies show that a meal packed with "brain foods" (those filled with healthy nutrients such as protein, vitamin B, and omega-3) will aid concentration, memory, and brain development, and can lessen mood swings and boost energy levels, too. Breakfast is an excellent opportunity for everyone—school-bound kids and adults heading to the workplace—to take in these foods.
breakfast tips:
Plan ahead and get a head start on the next morning's breakfast. Make the pancake or waffle batter the night before. Want warm muffins? Bake them in advance, store them in an airtight container, and then reheat using the toaster oven. Freeze any uneaten pancakes, waffles, and muffins for future meals.
recipe to try:
Maple, Walnut, and Flaxseed Pancakes
For an easy-to-transport nutritious breakfast, consider a smoothie. If it's made with dairy products such as milk or yogurt or with fortified soy, a smoothie can help meet the recommended daily intake for calcium and protein. Added fruit supplies fiber and essential vitamins. Use a mini-blender or immersion stick blender to customize multiple smoothies and to keep clean up to a minimum. Another big advantage to smoothies? No utensils needed.
recipe to try:
Blueberry-Orange Smoothie
Stock up on healthy no-cooking-required staples such as fruits (fresh and dried), nuts, granola, and yogurt for easy last-minute breakfasts. Fresh fruit salads and yogurt-granola parfaits require minimum effort and can pack a nutritional punch.
recipe to try:
Pineapple, Honeydew, and Mango with Ginger and Fresh Herbs
Boiled, scrambled, baked, or fried: However you like them, eggs are versatile and quick to cook, and can help begin the day with protein and other essential nutrients.
recipe to try:
Spinach and Sun-Dried Tomato Frittata
Cut down on butter, cream, and cheese to trim away the calories and saturated fat in your favorite breakfast dishes. Substitute olive or canola oil for the butter, and use reduced-fat cheeses where you can. Replace cream with low-fat or skim milk. For egg dishes, reduce the number of yolks or use just egg whites.
recipe to try:
Mediterranean Vegetable-Cheese Pie
Read More
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A recent study
has shown that women who skip breakfast consume an average of
100 calories more than those who eat breakfast. Enjoying a
healthy breakfast in the morning will also keep your blood
sugar levels even, which will help you stay more alert and in a
better mood.
With our busy lives, it is sometimes hard to find the time to
fix breakfast in the morning. Here are a few quick ideas that
take hardly any time at all to prepare and most of them you can
carry with you and enjoy on your way to work or when you get
1. Whole grain cereal with skim milk
All you need is a bowl and a spoon. This should take you about
1 minute to prepare and 5 minutes to eat. A nice and easy
breakfast idea when you are running late.
2. Breakfast Parfait
You can make your own healthy version of the breakfast parfait.
Put some low-fat vanilla yogurt in a container. Keep some
snack-sized bags of granola in your pantry and some small bags
of frozen berries in your freezer. Or use fresh fruit when
available. Just grab everything as you head out the door and
enjoy your parfait at work.
3. Whole Wheat Bagel with Peanut Butter (add a piece of fruit)
Toast a whole-wheat bagel with some peanut butter for a filling
breakfast. Grab a piece of “portable” fruit such as an apple or
a banana before you leave the house and breakfast is done.
4. Boiled Egg Sandwich
Keep a few boiled eggs in your fridge for a protein rich and
filling egg sandwich for breakfast. Just slice the egg on some
honey wheat bread and sprinkle a little salt on top. If you’d
like you can add a small amount of mayonnaise as well.
5. Breakfast Smoothie
Breakfast Smoothies were invented for busy people. Pour some
milk or yogurt and juice in your blender and toss in some
berries or a banana and a scoop of protein powder. There are
many other great recipes available. Visit for a free ebook of
breakfast smoothie recipes.
Try a few of these ideas and you’ll find yourself more alert
and in a better mood in the morning. Starting your day off
right, will also help you snack less during the day and will
keep your metabolism running high. No more excuses to skip
breakfast – just spend a few minutes each morning putting one
of these meals together.
About The Author: Susanne Myers is the co-creator of Healthy
Menu Mailer. Busy Moms love the easy-to-prepare healthy dinner
recipes, grocery lists and encouragement to stay healthy every
day of the week. Get 7 free easy-to-prepare recipes that
everyone in your family will enjoy by visiting
Life Dynamix Comment: We recommend using goat milk and yogurt instead of milk products from a cow. Goat milk products are less inflammatory and better tolerated by the body. Also we recommend using organic peanut butter as well as fruit.
Life Dynamix Health and Wellness Disclaimer
Before implementing any changes in physical activity or diet, consult with an integrative medical physician, a doctor who specializes in both naturopathic and conventional medicine. The intent of the life enhancement information and wellness products contained within this site are to increase your energy, fat loss, health and happiness. They should not replace your doctors counsel. If any information is contradictory to your doctors advice, we recommend getting a second opinion preferably from an integrative medicine physician.
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TOP 5 Gmail Tricks
Let’s looks at some of Gmail tricks today. By the way, all these tricks are legal. The post should have been appropriately titled “Getting the most out of your Gmail” But then I decided to go for a catchy phrase to grab your attention. Now that I have your attention, let’s get down to business.
Since this blog is looking for more viewership from youngsters, most of the tips are to entice that age group.
Gmail trick # 1: To impress a new acquaintance, you may give them an altered Gmail id which will still work. Let’s say my Gmail id is & I am giving this id to my new friend “Deepika”. I can give my id to her as This is sure to take her by surprise & acts as a great conversation starter. What if the acquaintance tries this Gmail address? Relax, you will still get the mail because Gmail does not recognize any characters after ‘+’. This new Gmail address will work just fine. However your trick will be exposed when you reply from your Gmail account.
Gmail trick # 2: This trick will save you loads of time especially where the internet connection is slow. Even if one has a super fast connection, this Gmail trick will at least give rest to your fingers. Almost all of us are actually embarrassed of our first mail accounts. The exuberance of youth coupled with the creative juices of a 21st century mind forces us to create ids like “”, “”. Such popular mail ids become a little uncomfortable to be listed in our resumes & we soon shift to more sober account names. For some reason or the other most of us ultimately end with multiple webmail accounts. Did you know that you can view & reply to all your mail accounts from just one Gmail address? What’s more, one can even view yahoo mail or rediffmail from your Gmail account.
This is how you can set it up:
Click on “settings” inside your Gmail account
Now click on the “Accounts” heading
You may add your new email id by clicking on the icon “add another email id that you own”
One can also choose to send replies showing your new Gmail address (default) or showing the original Gmail id from which the message was received.
The last step will be to confirm this change by going into your previous email address & clicking on a link mailed to you. This last step is to verify that the other account actually belongs to you.
Caution: After doing this you will also receive all the unread messages from previous mail id, which may take some effort deleting. But once this is done, you will never again miss any mail from all your email accounts.
You may watch a PowerPoint presentation of Gmail trick # 2 below
The Flash Player and a browser with Javascript support are needed.
Gmail trick # 3 : Did you ever receive a humorous message only to find that half the fun was over because the message was detached from the attached picture. It’s time to tell goodbye to attachments. The new version of Gmail allows you add pictures in your message itself.
This can easily be activated by going into settings & clicking on “labs”. Now, all that one has to do is just “enable” the “inserting Image” option. This may take some finding, because the insert image option is fourth last in queue.
Once activated, a new icon will be displayed in the Gmail tool bar.
You just need to click on the icon to insert the image from your desktop .
Gmail trick # 4 : Have you ever waited at the mall or theater for hours for your special someone to arrive ? Now, there is a cure for your friend’s forgetfulness! Create a Google calendar by visiting or from “More” options in the Google’s Homepage. Once the events are filled up, you can share it with your friend’s email account. (You can do all this from your Gmail account itself). Ha ha ….. I know what you are thinking… You cheats… here is the solution to the question that is troubling you. Yes you can hide the specific events from your friends too. Once the calendar is shared you may click on the “ edit event” tab go to options & set email reminder or pop-up reminder to your friends, If you are reading this in USA, then you have an option of sms reminder too !
View the Power Point illustration of Gmail trick # 4 below.
The Flash Player and a browser with Javascript support are needed.
Gosh!! While typing this I had forgotten the pancake on the stove. I guess Gmail can’t help in kitchen. ( )
Gmail trick #5 : This tip is about your favourite blog – Let see how you will never miss any of the useful articles from this site.
On a more serious note, you may use this Gmail trick to get the latest information from your favourite news or information site.
Go to settings
Click on “Webclicks”
Under “search topic by url” type in
Click on search
5. Click on the add button
6. Now you can see the latest articles from this site on your gmail just above the inbox.
This is the certainly the most important Gmail tip for you.( )
Gmail accounts can be great source of fun too, if coupled with features like Orkut & Picasa. These can be dealt with in next article if desired. Do roll in your comments on this article. Ah! Just a last Gmail tip, do not waste your time by inserting the (. dot) in mail id, Gmail does not recognize this too. So a mail id sri.jshm is same as srijshm or s.r.i.j.s.h.m .
7 don’ts – never late to know
Here are 7 Don’ts (Top to Toe)
Hair: Never use nails or comb to scratch your scalp. This will cause injury to the scalp & thus result in damage to hair. Use finger tips instead to rub the itching area mildly. This also doubles up as massage which helps to spread the natural oils in your scalp.
Teeth: Keeping too many tooth brushes in one cup, using a toothbrush protector (cover) or keeping tooth brush near to WC will all increase the bacteria in the tooth brush. Even keeping tooth brush inside a closed cabinet is not advisable as it increases bacterial growth.
Eyes: Never splash water directly into the eyes, ensure that the eyes are closed when splashing water. I had the tendency to wash face as soon as I get back home. It is advisable not to wash face when you are still sweating. One needs to wait till the body cools down to the natural temperature before washing face.
Lips: Never bite the lips (this makes you look like a nervous wreck or a buck toothed moron ) or use saliva to keep it moistened. I do agree that one should not let the lips go dry. If you are against chemical laced creams, try natural cream or wax.
Skin: One can overdo even a good habit & ultimately achieve the exact opposite of desired result. I have oily skin & am also very prone to acne. After being enlightened with the knowledge that washing face with pure water is a one stop solution to both my problems, I went overboard with it. I started washing my face 20-25 times a day. The results were shocking, the skin started cracking due to drying up of skin.
Stomach/ intestine: Loosening the belt after a heavy meal is flirting with danger. There is a good chance that the small intestine gets twisted in the process. Here is my friendly tip-Eat less! Don’t eat as if there is no tomorrow . It is also a myth that walking immediately after a meal is good for you. In fact this exercise does not allow our body to absorb the nutrients from the food.
Foot: This is almost like a ritual for me; I judiciously polish my shoes every day to that shining appearance on it. I do it with such vigor that I never felt the need for any other exercise to develop my biceps. After spending so much of time with the smart & shiny shoe it was inevitable that I fell in love with it & started wearing the same pair everyday to office. This was my biggest foot care error. One must alternate between two pairs of shoes. This gives sufficient time for each pair to dry out & also changes the specific pressure points that a shoe may have.
I recollect a story I heard long back; it was something about every part of the body fighting to prove that it is THE most important part. Fed up the senseless arguments, the ass hole shut itself up & every part suffered as a result. I guess it’s time to for me to shut up too !
Healthy Recipes ( Breakfast)
Healthy Breakfast is the secret to burning double the fat in a regular day. Simple tweaks to the daily recipe can change regular breakfast recipes into healthy recipes. The secret here is to change the type of carbohydrates one consumes during the breakfast. Not all carbohydrates are bad. In fact unrefined carbohydrates are good for us. Unrefined cards like fruits, whole grains & certain lentils are rich in fiber & thus digest slowly. This will also make us eat right during the day as one is less likely to feel hungry.
I am a big fan of Indian breakfast. Most popular Indian breakfast items are a combination of cereals & pulses. This combination provides carbohydrates & protein; both of which are important at the start of the day. To top this, these breakfast items are fermented too. Fermentation coverts carbohydrates & sugar into beneficial acids, thereby increasing the nutritive value of these breakfast items.
Despite these benefits I feel that certain changes can make these recipes even healthier.
A simple dosa is a combination of rice & urad dal. This can be made healthier by addition of soya powder , griddling with olive oil, using brown rice & adding some lentils to the above mixture.
Here are two power packed healthy Indian Dosa recipes:
Mixed Dal Dosa / Adai : Adai is a dosa made with a mixture of dals.
Recipe: ( serves four adults)
100 gms of split red gram dal (toor dal)
150 gms of split green gram dal (moong dal)
100 gms of Bengal gram dal (channa dal)
50 gms of urad dal (black gram dal)
400 gms of brown rice (brown rice is a much better source of unrefined carbs than polished rice)
Soak rice for 4 hours & the lentils for 2 hours. Grind the mixture into a thick paste. This batter needs to be fermented for 4 hours & refrigerated overnight. Herbs & spices like coriander, ginger, pepper / red chilli & cumin seeds can be added during grinding for additional taste. Add salt according to taste & pour the batter into a thin pancake over a hot griddle. Use olive oil to moisten the griddle plate & enjoy the delicious healthy breakfast.
Green dosa / Pesarratu : This is a specialty from the state of Andhra Pradesh & simple to make too.
1 cup whole green dal ( whole moong dal )
¼ cup soya
I cup finely chopped mixture of onions, ginger & coriander.
Salt & green chilies as per taste.
Soak soya & dal for 4 hours. Grind the soaked mixture into a smooth paste . Add the chopped vegetables & herbs. Prepare the dosa in the same manner as Adai. The batter needs to spend about 2 ½ minutes on the griddle.
Additional Friendly healthy recipe tips : Mixed vegetables can be added to almost any Indian breakfast item to make it healthier. Some examples are ; vegetable paratha instead of aloo paratha, grated vegetable idly/ rava idly or even vegetable poha !
Readers of this blog are encouraged to share their secret healthy recipe with other readers.
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importance of healthy indian breakfast – 25 percent of the day’s calorie should come from breakfast. skipping breakfast often leads to poor concentration, irritability, low blood sugar levels and a high craving for food in midmorning or lunch. in india, there are variety of …
What is the Breakfast Diet of India – Importance of Healthy Indian Breakfast. 25 percent of the day’s calorie should come from breakfast. Skipping breakfast often leads to poor concentration, irritability, low blood sugar levels and a high craving for food in midmorning or …
Friday, 7 October 2011
Re: Dietetics/Nutrition
Hey I'm starting Dietetics/Nutrition at Nottingham in September and I'm so excited because I have wanted to do it for sooo long!
I also applied to Surrey and Kings (as well as Leeds Met and Coventry for Insurances) and got in to those but with interviews. My Surrey interview was really laid back and just a chat about me really, nothing really course specific but Kings and Notts were a different story altogether.
I was really tested on a lot of my sciences and knowledge I already had about the areas in Dietetics eg scenarios where you had to talk about what you would suggest for various patients etc. I was really nervous and I SWEAR I mucked up, but Kings said I was in there top 10 and they really liked me, so I say be confident and really read around some areas.
Nottingham was the one I really wanted to go to although I always get doubts about whether I chose the right one between that and Kings, because they are complete contrasts, city life vs country life. I've always lived in Notts and love it, especially my twice weekly nights out atm haha so its great for that, but obviously the campus is quite far out so Im not sure how that will be.
The interview was easier than Kings but you have to fill out a LONGGG questionnaire before you're selected and honestly spend a lot of time on it, be cringey and cliche, big yourself up, be the perfect candidate because at the end of the day, there are so little places and its dietitians that score them and they know who they're looking for.
I can still remember some of the interview questions so I could perhaps inbox them to you nearer the time of your interviews etc?
but my ultimate advice is be yourself and really know your stuff! be the best, and be passionate about it, and get in there early!
sorry for the ESSAYY! but i hope its helped, and I can fill you in on a little bit more about what its like when I start in September!xx
Thank you so much! That has been so helpful!
I e-mailed the admissions tutor at Nottingham just to ask a few questions, and she was really helpful as well, she said that the interview lasts about 15-20 mins, which doesn't sound too bad, but would you recommend really read about different situations with patients and things like that? I might try and get some books out from the library or something, see what I can find
Gala Darling
Gala Darling’s unrelenting devotion to positivity & magic has earned her cult celebrity status & rabid fans all over the globe, from India to Sweden.
From the massive number of hits her website garners on a monthly basis to her legendary Things I Love Thursday lists, this writer, nomad & international playgirl easily transfers her enthusiasm for life into the written word.
Described in the New York Times as “a Web-tethered gadabout”, she was recently named one of the 10 most influential style bloggers in the world (Fashionista). She has been described as “a tattooed Miss Manners” (The Bargain Queen), a “downtown Carrie Bradshaw” (Elle) & a “New York City society gal” (Filament). Celebrity stylist & icon Rachel Zoe says Gala & her site are “très chic”.
Gala has been featured prominently in The New York Times, New Zealand Herald, Teen Vogue, New York Post, Elle, Cosmopolitan, Time Out New York, Sydney Morning Herald, The Daily Telegraph, Next, Cleo, Girlfriend, The Age, Sunday Herald Sun, The Dominion Post, Inked magazine, Glasgow Guardian & on CBS & ABC News, among (many) others.
Gala is an accomplished & enthusiastic public speaker, having spoken to audiences of thousands at South By South West Interactive & Evolving Influence, & is frequently invited to make guest appearances on specialty panels about fashion & the internet. Her radical self love workshops are a runaway success. She has spoken to many audiences about entrepreneurship & making business out of the arts.
Gala believes in pink lingerie, sequins, stardust & candy-coloured Cadillacs. She believes in making mischief & the triumph of magic over the brute. She believes in short skirts & lip gloss & bringing about the radical self love revolution. She believes life doesn’t have to be serious, that you create your own reality & that beauty is all around us.
Let’s make magic together!
Collaborating is one of my favourite things. In 2010, I worked with Estee Lauder, Juicy Couture, Coach, Olsenboye, JCPenney, Ralph Lauren, Google, Microsoft & many others (including plenty of small independent companies!). I love fun, creative projects. Get in touch.
I’m Gala Darling. (Yes, that is my real name!) I am 27 years old. I was born in Wellington, New Zealand & lived in Auckland, New Zealand, & Melbourne, Australia before moving to the United States, so I have a fun hybrid accent. I own two passports. I am an only child.
On July 29th of 2011, I got married to Mike, the most incredible man I’ve ever met. We live in the East Village of New York City with our two rescue dogs, a pitbull named Hank Williams & a pitbull/bluetick coonhound mix called Dolly. They are the loves of our lives!
I am an ENFP & a Seven. Astrologically, my Sun & Mercury are in Virgo, my Moon is in Sagittarius & my Venus & Mars are in Leo. I am a Water Pig.
My obsessions include writing, travelling, good music, shoe shopping & radical self love. Hip-hop is pretty much all I listen to. I love gifts & surprises in the mail (hint hint)! I have been writing online since 1996!
Odds & ends & elsewhere!
I have a daily diary if you want to delve deeper into the Galaverse! I’m also blessed to have a supremely fun & sparkly community on Facebook! (You should join us!)
You can find me on Flickr, too, & I’m pretty loquacious on Twitter. You can email me here with any thoughts, dreams, poems or requests for advice!
If you feel like sending me a postcard — which I would love! — you can send it to Gala Darling / 444 East 10th St / New York, NY 10009 / U.S.A.
How To Establish A Fabulous Daily Routine
The real way to implement change in your life is to alter your habits. One of the major things that has changed my life in the past is setting up a daily routine that I enjoy & which I know works. It sounds boring, I know, but it doesn’t have to be. That’s the beauty of it — it’s your routine, so if you want to start the day with naked sun salutations, a massive salad or pyjama dance-off, you can! Be imaginative! It doesn’t have to be epic zombie time, complete with bleary-eyes, stubbed toes & bland breakfast!
So, what’s your daily routine?
Be honest! Do you really wake up at 6am & do yoga every morning, or are you more inclined to rush out the door at 8.49 without so much as brushing your hair? My routine has been a bit of a mess lately too, which is what prompted me to write this article! I’ve been eating all kinds of rubbish, my exercising has been sporadic, I’ve been sleeping in until 10 or 11 every morning, & things just feel really off. I am convinced (convinced!) that Mercury retrograde is partially to blame for this, which just adds to my feeling that now is the time to look back at what hasn’t been working in my routine, & come up with yummy new ways to move forward.
We often fool ourselves into thinking that changing our old habits is an impossibility, an exercise in futility, a waste of time. It’ll never work, we think, completely oblivious to the fact that our current lifestyle isn’t working for us either! How bad could a little change be?
The reason most people repeatedly fail to make something new into a habit is because of their fear of change. Why is this? When we decide we want to do something new, part of us is gung-ho, excited, chomping at the bit to get going. But another part of us is terrified at the idea of shaking things up. We often jump to a far-fetched conclusion which seems rational at the time, but really isn’t, like, “Oh my god, if I start down this path, I’m going to have to do an hour of jumping jacks every morning UNTIL I DIE.” So we never even begin, or perhaps we do it twice before giving up.
It usually takes 30 to 40 repetitions of something before it becomes a habit or routine, & it is perhaps because of this reason that Steve Pavlina is a great advocate of the 30-day trial concept. It manages to skirt ye olde freak out because you’ve set a time-limit. If you’re absolutely hating your routine on day 23, you know you only have 7 more days to go, which makes it all seem much more tolerable.
30 days is also an excellent length because it gives you time to gather real data about what you’re doing. If you change the way you eat or the amount you exercise, it’s common that the first week will be rough. You’ll be exhausted, detoxing, emotionally haggard — all sorts of things will come up — so if you stick at for 30 days, you’ll get past that first difficult stage & into the really juicy bit.
Enough talking, time for action. Let’s make some lists. I’ll go first, then it’s your turn!
What isn’t working for you in your routine?
For me, sleeping in until 10 or 11 is totally not doing it for me. I always feel like I’ve wasted the day when I do that, especially since I know that I get my best work done first thing.
The food I’m eating isn’t doing it for me either. I’m probably about 80% vegan right now — which is good — but I’m eating pretty much all vegan junk food, which is not where I want to be! Raw power please!
It’s totally time to get back into regular exercise. I meant to do this when I got back from Auckland but somehow it didn’t happen. I had a really rough 3 days, & last night after eating about six pieces of toast & a whole lot of rocky road, I decided it was time for a work-out. My short 30 minute cardio blast had me feeling better than I have all week.
How would you like your routine to look?
Wake up at 7.30 (or earlier) Do some gentle stretching & then half an hour of exercise Shower & get pretty Make a big smoothie, drink that & down vitamins as I check my email Set intentions for the day in my Moleskine Start working!
What steps do you need to take to make this a reality?
Thankfully I have most of these things sorted out already. I have a huge stack of exercise DVDs which I really enjoy doing (I know, what a nerd!), as well as my two brand spanking new HOOPS which I can use if I’m not in the mood for a prescribed routine (& which I use during the day anyway). I went to the health shop yesterday — that place is like pure porn for a hardcore Virgo! — & bought some supplements & vitamins I’d run out of, including maca which I am going to put into my smoothies! I also went to the supermarket & bought some stuff for making smoothies. Yay!
So… what about you?
Where are you at & where do you want to be? What kind of steps do you need to take to switch up your routine for good (um, I mean, 30 days!)? Do you need more information or encouragement? Take some time & think about it. What small changes do you think you could make which would really improve your quality of life?
Some of you will remember the iCiNG Transformation Challenge which ran for a month last April. Anyone keen for a repeat performance?!
Extra For Experts:
How To Establish New Habits The No-Sweat Way using Kaizen, from Zen Habits. =>
How to Establish New Habits the No-Sweat Way
“The chains of habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.” - Samuel Johnson
Editor’s note: This is a guest post from Mary Jaksch of Goodlife Zen.
Have you ever had problems establishing a new habit? Maybe I should ask, have you ever not had problems establishing a new habit? Whether it’s getting up early, going for a daily run, losing weight, writing a journal – let’s face it: most attempts to establish a new habit end in a dismal flop.
In her book “This year I will…”, Andy Ryan, an expert in collaborative thinking, spells out why change is difficult:
Whenever we initiate change, even a positive one, we activate fear in our emotional brain….If the fear is big enough, the fight-or-flight response will go off and we’ll run from what we’re trying to do.
That’s exactly how it is for me. One part of me is gung-ho about making changes, and the other part just turns tail and rushes off in the opposite direction!
Let’s take a look at how we can affect change without giving ourselves a fright. Or do we just have to accept that we are creatures of habit and nothing much will ever change?
In a New York Times article based upon the research by Andy Ryan it says:
Rather than dismissing ourselves as unchangeable creatures of habit, we can instead direct our own change by consciously developing new habits. In fact, the more new things we try — the more we step outside our comfort zone — the more inherently creative we become, both in the workplace and in our personal lives.
But don’t bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the hippocampus, they’re there to stay. Instead, the new habits we deliberately ingrain into ourselves create parallel pathways that can bypass those old roads.
How do we create pathways of change so gently that we don’t take fright?
There is a very interesting Japanese philosophy called Kaizen which can help us do just that. Kaizen focuses on continuous but small change.
In order to find out how Kaizen can help us to establish new habits, let’s take a look at change in terms of momentum. Just imagine for a moment that you are the captain of an ocean liner. If you decided to change course 90 degrees, there would be two different ways to accomplish this. One way would be to stall the ship’s forward momentum and then take up a new course.
Big changes mean that momentum is lost.
The other way to change course would be to use the forward momentum and to incrementally change course until the full 90 degrees are accomplished.
If we change direction little by little, we can use momentum to affect change.
Andy Ryan says:
The small steps in Kaizen don’t set off fight or flight, but rather keep us in the thinking brain, where we have access to our creativity and playfulness.
With a strategy of continuous low-level change, we are able to sidestep the number one barrier to change: fear.
Let’s see how this would work in our daily life. Let’s imagine that you want to get up an hour earlier each morning in order to be more productive.
Strategy No. 1: You grit your teeth, set your clock an hour earlier, and struggle out of bed. This might work for a few days, or for longer if you’re disciplined. But chances are that you’ll be back in your old groove as soon as you begin to feel tired and stressed.
Strategy No. 2: You use the Kaizen method and get up one minute earlier each day. Two months later you would be getting out of bed one hour earlier – without even noticing the change!
You can see by this example what a powerful strategy for change Kaizen is.
The Kaizen method of continuous incremental improvements isn’t just a personal philosophy. It was embraced by industry giants such as Toyota and has enabled them to become world leaders in automotive innovation.
The word that leaps out at me when I read about the principles of Kaizen is ‘continuous’. I don’t know how it is for you, but in my life personal growth happens in bursts – with longish pauses in between.
This is rather like doing a massive run or a superhard yoga class one day—and then letting all exercise slip for the next days because your body feels sore. A few days later you feel the need for a hefty dose of exercise again – and that brings you back to the massive run or the superhard yoga class. And so it goes on and on…
What if we we kept our exercise routine going each day and very gradually increased the length or difficulty of training? What if we used this gentle but powerful way to effect all change in our life?
What’s your sense of how the Kaizen method would work for habits that you want to establish?
Mary Jaksch is a Zen master, psychotherapist, and author. She’s a Karate Black Belt, and loves dancing Argentine tango in skimpy dresses. Visit Mary’s blog, Goodlife Zen.
Friday, 30 September 2011
Ten Healthy Eating Habits
Where to eat - Eliminate eating in the car, bus, train, walking, standing or on the phone. Make time to eat meals and snacks by sitting down at a table. Read about the dangers of driving and eating.
When to eat - Eat breakfast and two other meals each day. People who eat breakfast are less likely to snack in the evening. Eat at least every 4 to 6 hours when awake rather than waiting until your stomach starts growling.
How much to eat - Calories count. Choose smaller portion sizes. Forget those super sizes as they are expensive to your waistline.
Shopping & eating out - If you don't buy it or make it, food has a hard time finding its way into your mouth. Shop from a grocery list and after a meal when you are not hungry to limit impulse buying. In restaurants, if you aren't sure how a food is prepared ask. When your food is served, divide off what you are going to eat and take the rest home for the next meal. Just because food is presented to you at a buffet doesn't mean you have to eat or sample everything just because it is included in the price of a meal. Make food and portion sizes before you start eating.
Record your eating - Keep a written record of what you eat or drink, when and where to see what triggers your eating. Do you eat when you are tired, bored or upset?
Weigh in - Weigh yourself daily and record it. It helps keep track of your weight so that when your weight varies by more than 5 pounds you can make small eating and exercise changes before 5 pounds turns into 10 or more.
Pay attention & slow down - Don't get distracted by multitasking while eating. Activities like watching TV or reading takes your focus off how much you are eating and your sense of fullness. Stop when you pause while eating or sense that you are full no matter how much food is left on your plate. Eat slower and drink water with a meal. Food takes 20 minutes for a message to get from your stomach to your brain that you are full so meals should take at least 20 minutes and preferably longer. Chew each mouthful thoroughly. If you eat food that isn't on your plan, don't get down on yourself. Get immediately back on your plan rather than waiting for the next day or New Years to start again.
Get moving - Take a look at your daily schedule and figure out how you can walk, bike or run more. Get 30 - 60 minutes of exercise each day and wear a pedometer to keep track. Aim for 10,000 steps a day.
Drink water - Drink enough water so that your urine is colorless and odorless during the day. People who drink sufficient water are more likely lose weight.
Top 25 Up and Coming Nutrition Blogs Devin distills health, fitness and nutrition information into easy to understand language for people who find diet and exercise overwhelming. He hopes to show you that your personal well-being is an easily attainable goal (March).
Nutrition Evolution: Nutrition evolution is getting an overhaul as this blogger will offer videos, classes, workshops, and beyond in a mission to educate and inspire people to take charge of their health. This blog focuses on the adage that you are what you eat (March).
Cafe Yumm! Founders Mark and Mary Ann Beauchamp have created a welcoming atmosphere and from the basics of rice and beans, developed a menu balancing a combination of elemental foods with a lighthearted sense of fun (May).
Rain Newsroom Blog: Rain Nutrition began business operations in 2009; building and delivering nutritional products dedicated to aiding modern societies that lack ample nutrition to support and sustain long term health (June).
Food Insight Blog: The International Food Information Council Foundation is dedicated to the mission of effectively communicating science-based information on health, food safety and nutrition for the public good (September).
Darin’s Naturals: Darin’s Naturals has successfully sourced over 300 unique, sustainable herbs and superfoods throughout the world. Darin’s Naturals has been formulating and consulting for many private companies and professionals (November).
Appetite for Health: Two busy working women who are registered dietitians (RDs) are just as stressed, work too much, have killer cravings, struggle with emotional eating, and do have to watch what they eat or they’ll pack on pounds — just like everyone else. They try to show that healthy eating is delicious, satisfying and always possible, no matter the circumstances (December).
Around the Plate: This blogger’s dream job (now that she is a registered dietitian) is to write nutrition articles for nationwide publications. Her blog, hopefully, will reach an international audience, as it’s clever, interesting and fun to read (December).
Eat Well Thymes: The founder of Eat Well Meal Plans, Jennifer Cohen Katz R.D., is a registered dietitian with a passion for food and cooking. In her private practice, she teaches individuals make the right food choices to help control their weight and prevent or control nutrition-related diseases and still provide enjoyable culinary experiences with a nutritious diet (January).
Eating Simple: In conjunction with starting her own nutrition consulting business, several people have told this blogger to start a blog. She includes healthy recipes, nutrition advice, and reviews of the latest and greatest diets on the market (January).
Fit to Eat: Chris Rosenboom is a professor emerita of nutrition at Georgia State University in Atlanta. As a nutrition consultant, she works with companies and organizations to promote healthy living in adults — from athletes to baby boomers (January).
The Perfect Pet Food Blog: What list about nutrition would be complete without a pet food blog about healthy pet food, treats and nutrition? This blog fits the bill for dog and cat owners along with other health news (January).
Peace, Love, and Food: Kara Lydon, Registered Dietitian, believes that nutrition is a fundamental piece in achieving health and wellness. The purpose of her blog is to inspire a peace of mind around what you eat and a love for nutritious food. A reflection of her life based around food, nutrition, and wellness, her blog also provides tips along the way on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. (February).
Dietitians Online Blog: This blog was created to acknowledge the dedication and talents of the registered dietitian on the Internet and to provide reliable on-line food and nutrition information to the media, consumer, health professional and educator (March).
Nutrition for the Future: This blog examines topics related to child nutrition and food in schools. Dayle Hayes, Chair of School Nutrition Services DPG, focuses on positive, creative solutions to childhood weight and health concerns in this blog (March).
Radio Nutrition: Donna Psiaki Feldman, MS RD, has been a registered dietitian for more than 30 years, and consults on nutrition information management, food product development and individual counseling for food allergy, eating disorders, weight management, heart health and childhood nutrition (April).
Nutrition Blog Network: The Nutrition Blog Network is a collection of blogs written by registered dietitians. If you want to learn how you can safely lose those last 5 pounds, find healthy recipes for your family, lower your cholesterol, jump start a healthy lifestyle, seek solutions for your picky preschooler or learn what to eat when you’re pregnant, you can find what you’re looking for in their Nutrition Blog Directory (May).
Skinny Eats Cleveland: “Sue The Caring Foodie” is a lover of healthy foods and cooking and a registered dietitian. She loves to explore her home of Cleveland, Ohio, in search of great food and creative ways to prepare it (May).
The Gluten-Free RD: This blogger’s mission is to provide those on a gluten-free diet with the information and resources they need to strike a balance between eating gluten-free and healthfully, while doing it happily. A registered dietitian and experienced food and nutrition communications professional with Celiac Disease writes this blog (May).
Nutrition Warehouse: Nutrition Warehouse provides customers with access to the most sort after quality sports bodybuilding supplements and General Health supplements available at the best price with a professional approach to service and quality (June).
The Best Pickle: A registered dietitian living in Portland, Oregon hopes that by sharing her weekly meal plans, she can inspire others to prepare more home-cooked meals, leading to a resurgence in family dinners, mealtime conversation, and neighborly connections (June).
Foodies Not Fatties: This blog was created to take recipes that are delicious and amazing and tweak them to make them a little bit healthier. In other words, these two registered dietitians have made it a mission to make Paula Deen’s recipes healthier to eat (July).
Nutritiously Happy: Torey Jones is a registered dietitian and nutrition writer and speaker in Chicago who currently works in medical nutrition therapy as a clinical dietitian. She subscribes to a simple and basic approach to nutrition, doesn’t dwell on the nutrient composition of foods, and doesn’t count calories (July).
Little Green Blog: If you’re looking for topics such as environmental issues, eco-conscious, sustainable living, gardening, self sufficiency, real food, frugality, reducing energy usage, reusing, reducing, recycling, recipes, repairs, fair trade, organic, making your own cleaning products and natural healing methods, this is your blog (August).
The Nutrition Twins: Tammy Lakatos Shames and Elysse (“Lyssie”) Lakatos share more than identical features; they share identical success in the competitive field of nutrition and wellness. Tammy and Lyssie have become known for their unique approach to nutrition counseling, corporate lecturing, writing, making media appearances and consulting to multinational food companies (October).
op Policy Heads-Upper Food Insight
Top Made -From-Scratcher Simply Scratch
Top Nature Hunter Georgia Pellegrini
Top Mouth-Waterer Steamy Kitchen
Top Kid Pleaser Weelicious
Top Herbivore Herbivoracious
Top Gluten-Free Insider ATX Gluten-Free
Amateur Gourmet
Balanced Health and Nutrition
Chocolate and Zucchini
Chubby Hubby
Diet Blog
Diet Food Reviews
Serious Eats
The Foodinista
Top Food and Nutrition Blog Awards
Obsession: Fresh Foods (Blog: Pinch My Salt)
What set PinchMySalt apart from thousands of other food blogs and recipe sites is the founder's true obsession to cooking fresh, whole foods. From recipe development, to photography, to final editing, Nicole Hamaker does it all. Stationed in a US Navy base in Sicily for three years, Nicole fell in love with cooking meals made with fresh, local ingredients. Be sure to try Nicole's recipes - you'll understand why healthy, wholesome meals can be easy to make.
Obsession: Diet Foods (Blog: I Ate A Pie)
Bombarded by "diet" foods sold in local supermarkets, Tanya Patrice, then Food Science and Nutrition Ph.D. student, started I Ate A Pie in October 2004 to look for truly healthy diet foods. Ranging from Diet Trash to 5 stars ratings, this blog has reviews on just about any diet foods out there.
Obsession: Ethical Foods (Blog: The Ethicurean)
Heard a lot about sustainability, but don't know what it really means? We've found a blog for you. On a quest to look for tasty things that are also sustainable, organic, local, and ethical, Bonnie Powell started the ethicurean movement when she started her blog in May 2006. This blog is very informative - you will learn everything from food policies and safety alerts, to finding local farm markets and even food humor!
Obsession: Helping Patients (Blog: Eat Right, Stay Well)
An outpatient dietitian working at the Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center in Baltimore, Christine McKinney's passion in helping her patients is contagious even through the phone line. In fact, her blog postings are all inspired by questions asked by her patients! Most (but not all) of her patients' questions are diabetes-related, so be sure to check out her blog if you are struggling with the same issues.
Obsession: Staying In Touch with Dietetics (Blog: Dietriffic)
A Northern Irish dietitian temporarily relocated in South Australia, blog founder Melanie Thomassian brings north to the south, and west to the east. Unable to find a dietitian job in Australia, Melanie started her blog in March 2007 as a means to keep herself "active" in the profession. If you would like healthy food ideas that are truly global in nature (like Chinese choy sum, whole wheat English muffin, or Swiss muesli), make sure to check out Melanie's blog.
The following blogs concentrate on basic nutrition facts and data. The bloggers include doctors, trainers, advisers, schools, clinics, industry experts and more.
About: Nutrition: Shereen has a master’s degree in human nutrition and she was previously certified as a Certified Nutrition Specialist. She now is a health and nutrition writer and a member of the American Dietetic Association. She also is co-author of Superfoods for Dummies.
Balanced Health and Nutrition: Rebecca Scritchfield balances healthy living with nutrition in a blog that focuses on the latest food, nutrition and exercise information for maintaining health or for reaching a health goal.
Better Living with Whole Foods: Alexander Morentin is well known in Southern California as an expert in fitness and whole foods nutrition. He is a living example of how to turn an unhealthy life into a healthy goal.
Brad Pilon’s Nutrition Help: Brad Pilon is a nutrition professional with over seven years experience in the nutritional supplement industry. He also is the author of Eat Stop Eat.
Dr. Michael R. Eades: Dr. Eades is the author of Protein Power and a health care expert in nutritional science, low carb diets and other health issues.
Fresh Squeezed Living: Learn how a fitness, health and wellness coach advises busy professionals in the arts of healthy living, well-being and vitality.
Integrative Nutrition Blog: The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the largest nutrition school in the world, sponsors this blog. The blog provides a platform for the writers to discuss health, healthy food and empowerment. Look for blog entries by Deepak Chopra and Dr. David Katz.
Nutrition and healthy eating: This blog, provided by the Mayo Clinic, is written by Mayo Clinic nutritionists Jennifer Nelson, M.S., R.D. and Katherine Zeratsky, R.D.
Performance Nutrition Blog: This blog is a collaboration of fitness and nutrition experts located in the New England area. While most of the contributors are affiliated with existing industry businesses, they strive to provide unbiased information for health and fitness.
The Nutrition Data Blog: The information in Nutrition Data’s database comes from the USDA’s National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference and is supplemented by listings provided by restaurants and food manufacturers.
Diet Blogs
If you’re seeking a diet blog, you can find hundreds of those type of blogs on the Internet. The following list is a sampling of diet and fitness blogs, communities, single dieters and a pair of men who are trying to lose weight together. This short list provides a taste of what you can find online for yourself.
Daily Diet Blog: This blog covers a lot of territory, including herbal supplements, hypnotherapy, fat reduction and more. They also talk about nutrition and include health and fitness tips.
Diet & Fitness: This blog, sponsored by eDiets, actually is a community for dieters who want to get in shape as well. The audience includes menand women and the information includes recipes, videos and more.
Diet Blog: This blog covers body image, fast food, diet pills and much more in a blog that is easy to read. They also host a forum.
Diet Tired: This blog approaches dieting with advice on how to diet. From their perspective, it takes more than eating better and more exercise to lose weight – they also tackle the feelings that come with the diet-binge cycle.
Diets in Review: This blog reviews various diets, including news about how these diets failed or succeeded.
Do You Have an Extra Large in This? A young woman, who calls herself Marshmallow, is on a journey to lose weight, to get fit and to fall for the occasional ice cream or two.
Get Fit Slowly: J.D. Roth and Mac Smith are close friends, and they’re both fat. This blog chronicles their efforts to get thin and fit.
Healthy Eating and Diet: This blog is sponsored by WebMD, and it offers nutritional information for dieters, fitness facts and food and cooking ideas for a healthy lifestyle.
The Diet Naked Blog: This housewife lost over 60 pounds since she began a low-glycemic diet. The “naked” part of this site translates to transparency, honesty and “no-hiding” philosophy.
The Token Fat Girl: Tipping the scales at 320 pounds, this 25-year-old woman is on a mission to lose weight and to gain a healthy lifestyle. In the process, she shares food (not literally), recipes and her struggles.
Vegetarian and Vegan Blogs
Eggs or no eggs? That’s the question…no matter if you’re a full-fledged vegan or a vegetarian on the edge, the following list includes some of the hottest blogs around:
About: Vegetarian Food: Jolinda has been vegetarian for over 17 years and made the transition to a vegan diet seven years ago. She provides easy recipes, cooking tips, food and product reviews on her blog.
Almost Vegetarian: A writer and a cooking school student learns how to eat without meat – sometimes. But, this blog moves forward as a predominately healthy, vegetarian food with a side order of green, healthy, and organic lifestyle topics.
Eat Air – A Vegan Food Log: Chris and Darlene lead readers into voyages that include vegan restaurants, sites and recipes for stay-at-home health fiends.
Get Sconed! Jess lives in Portland and is a huge fan of farmer’s markets and seasonal produce. She’s the author of StumptownVegans Podcasts and she shares her love of healthy food on her blog.
Nourish Me: This Australian woman is an artist who loves fennel and who wants to grow her own fruits and vegetables. Her greatest achievement? Teaching her step-sons to love bitter greens.
The Blooming Platter: A baker offers a growing collection of recipes for creative appetizers, beverages, snacks, soups, salads, sides and entrees with a tendency toward ethnic fusion dishes, lightened-up comfort foods and updated classics with a twist.
Urban Vegan: Vegan life in the big city. And, this blogger is totally vegan – down to her bath scrub. Her cookbook, The Urban Vegan: 250 Simple, Sumptuous Recipes, From Street Cart Favorites to Haute Cuisine, will hit the bookstores in late 2009.
Vegan Lunch Box: A stay-at-home mom, cookbook author, and blogger shares new and exciting ways to eat your vegetables. She won PETA’s Proggy Award for Blog of the Year 2005; the 2006 VegWebby Award for “Best Family Blog” from VegNews magazine; and the 6th Annual Bloggy Award for Best Food Blog.
Vegan Planet: Robin Robertson has worked with food for 25 years as a chef, vegan cookbook author and a food columnist.
Vegan Yum-Yum: Lolo quit her day job and is busy writing a cookbook. Although not a chef, her artistry and her vegan knowledge both go a long way in this blog – and on a Martha Stewart show as well.
Organic Blogs
You can eat organic and include meat and fish in your diet. The blogs listed below cover organic eating, but they also broach food policies and sustainable living.
American Feast’s Sustainable Food Blog: Enjoy recipes, shop for foods, learn about food policies and catch up on the latest sustainable news at this blog.
ChewsWise: If you want to learn more about organic and sustainable food, read this blog. Samuel Fromartz, a long time journalist, grows food, speaks at industry-sponsored events and provides factual information as well as strong opinion. Enjoy.
Civil Eats: This site focuses on sustainable agriculture and food systems in an effort to build economically and socially just communities. Although this blog may appear way too serious, you also can expect humor and conversational topics as well.
Eat. Drink. Better. Incredible recipes, notes about restaurants, information on what to watch for and what to embrace for a healthy and organic diet. This is a Green Options site.
Home Grown: Farm Aid created this blog as a place to connect to the land and to each other. Start here to learn how to live a simpler, healthier and more “home grown” life with other people who love to eat, grow and cook good food.
Organic To Be: Learn more about everything from how to eat your flowers to the answer about whether sex is better on a farm at this blog. Entertaining, educational and eye-candy pretty, this site can make you yearn for the hills.
Smitten Kitchen: Start simple with a blog that presents food that is not fussy and that does not contain pretentious ingredients. Food is accessible – even organic food – and Smitten Kitchen provides a warm place to learn how to cook and eat.
The Daily Table: This blog is an extension of the Sustainable Table Web site, and the focus is on local harvests, organic growing methods and community building.
The Ethicurean: A freelance writer, a farmer/school lunch activist, an engineer, an activist, a nonprofit research analyst, a former newspaper reporter, a former lawyer, and a librarian all contribute to this blog, which includes something for everyone – except processed food freaks.
The Green Fork: The blog is for those who want to stay on top of food policies, and the rest of the site is for research. The writers believe that ecologically sound, community-based food choices are essential to solving environmental degradation, climate instability, economic inequality and the myriad adverse health effects of industrialized food production.
Raw Food Blogs
The raw food movement is growing, and the blogs listed below show the wide range of professionals and families who have become involved in this food preparation method:
Adventures of Raw Goddess Heathy: Scroll quickly through this blog to get an eyeful of gorgeous food that couldn’t possibly be raw – but it is.
Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen: Ani’s the host of the award winning most popular uncooking show on YouTube, Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen Show, and is the author of internationally acclaimed best-seller Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen: Easy, Delectable, Living Food Recipes.
Awesome to be Rawsome: A baby boomer gets healthy and loses weight with raw foods – learn about her adventures at her blog.
Choosing Raw: A book editor who currently works as a raw foods lifestyle coach blogs about her life as a faw foodist in New York City.
Julie’s Raw Ambition: Julie Kalivretenos was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease in 2003, and since then has become an advocate for raw foods. She shares her recipes, travels, restaurant experiences, culinary events, inspirations of any kind, and my amateur photography in this blog.
My Raw Food Blog: This site is about becoming, maintaining, and thinking about being a “rawfoodist.”
Raw Food, Right Now! Helping people go raw since 2006, RFRN is for health conscious people who are passionate about raw food. This site offers information and inspiration to help you easily bring raw foods into your lifestyle in a way that works for you.
Raw Food with Jessica: Savor the photos and snatch the recipes available on this raw food blog.
Rawdorable: Join a 32-year-old wife and mom who enjoys working out, preparing raw foods, spending time with my family and sharing her healthy lifestyle with others.
We Like it Raw: Dhrumil Purohit is a 26 year old blogger and entrepreneur who’s all about raw food and the present moment. He leads the team in this blog and at Give it to me Raw, a community site.
Consumer Sites
There are a number of medical research sites that focus on news with the consumer in mind. These sites can be useful in finding the latest headlines, and getting some analysis.
WebMD: This is the granddaddy of consumer medical research news sites, offering stories about the latest research headlines.
Healthline: Another great consumer site offering medical research news. A great research for summaries of the latest research.
SciCentral: Offers a look at different headlines related to health science and medicine.
Medical News Today: Research headlines and links to the latest studies, as well as information on devices and happenings.
PhysOrg: This science web site includes a look at medical research headlines. Includes a look at medical technology.
ScienceDaily: Medical research headlines for the science of human health. Considers different medical research headlines and news.
Medical Device Daily: Looks at the latest research news related to medical devices and technology.
medtechinsider: Updates, headlines and news on the development of medical devices, technology and more.
Dr. Weil: Offers a look at different research headlines. Especially focused on natural and complementary medicine.
Medical Breakthroughs: Provides access to interesting research headlines related to the latest breakthroughs in medicine and health. Research and news related to interesting new medical technology and gadget designed to make our lives healthier.
BioSpace: Includes research news and information especially related to pharma.
eMedicineHealth: Offers a look at research headlines, and study summaries. Includes the latest happenings.
Consumer Health Digest: A look at the research news making headlines. Includes information to help you be a better health consumer.
HealthScout: Offers news, headlines and more involving the latest medical research.
Bio-IT World: Medical research headlines and information. A wide range of research subjects and news from around the biology and technology fields.
Government Sites
Medical research news and information web sites offered by government organizations can be of great help. These sites are often reliable, and offer an official view of medical advancements.
NIH Research Matters: Offers a weekly round up of medical research headlines from the National Institutes of Health.
CDC: If you are looking for headlines, news and research, the Centers for Disease Control site is a great place to go.
Health Canada: The Canadian government offers a site that allows you to find news about medical research and happenings. A great place to start if you are interested in learning more about health.
National Health and Medical Research Council: Australia’s government offers this helpful look at different medical research headlines.
European Commission Research: Consider the research projects of the EU, including medical and health research.
Medical Research Council: This council is funded by the U.K. government, and provides helpful news headlines on the latest research. A great site that offers information on clinical trials, and medical research.
World Health Organization: Includes medical research news, and other headlines related to the state of health around the world.
Universities, Clinics and Other Organizations
A number of universities and clinics offer good, reliable information about health and medicine. Additionally, there are a number of non-profit and for-profit organizations that offer medical research news. Find research updates and more on these sites.
Mayo Clinic: This respected clinic offers research news and more.
Johns Hopkins Medicine: Research headlines from Johns Hopkins renowned medicine program.
Harvard Health: News headlines and research from Harvard.
Duke Medicine Health News: Includes stories on studies, research and more.
University of Utah School of Medicine: Includes research news and highlights that can provide you with interesting insight.
Stanford School of Medicine: Find out about the latest medical research from Stanford and around the world.
Tufts University School of Medicine: Learn more about what is happening with medical research, as well as other interesting subjects.
Oxford University Medical School: Look at the research going on at Oxford, and around the world.
UCL Medical School: Includes information on research and more.
University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine: Offers information on research headlines at Cambridge.
Kaiser Family Foundation: This non-profit organization offers helpful medical research headlines and other health news.
Society for Women’s Health Research: Interesting medical research headlines and studies with a special focus on women’s health.
Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research: Look at the different medical research headlines posted on this site.
Medical Research Publications
If you are looking for peer reviewed information about medical research and breakthroughs, consider visiting these sites regularly.
PubMed: Access to the latest articles and studies related to medicine.
Medscape: Get full access to medical research journal articles, news headlines and more.
New England Journal of Medicine: Research, studies, commentary and more related to medicine and health.
JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association is a great place to look when you are interested in the latest medical research news.
Journal Watch: A great site that offers access to the latest medical research news from journals around the world.
British Medical Journal: Articles, news and more related to the world of medical research.
The Lancet: One of the premier medical journals in the world, you can read medical research news, and learn about the latest peer reviewed findings.
Free Medical Journals: Find different medical research news headlines, and articles, from different journals from around the world. Free to read the latest articles.
Annals of Internal Medicine: Learn about the latest medical research news related to internal medicine. Access to a great deal of interesting information.
Pediatrics: As you might imagine, this medical research news site focuses on pediatric medicine.
Canadian Medical Association Journal: A look at medical research, and the latest happenings and breakthroughs.
Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine: Interesting studies, articles and medical research news.
These studies look at how a patient’s faith might actually help in the healing process. It’s more than just going to a place like Lourdes to become healed. How someone feels about a higher power, and how he or she communes with that higher power, might affect the outcome of an illness or surgery.
God’s headquarters: Dr. Michael Persinger has done studies on what happens to the brain when people are in the attitude of prayer and faith, and he links to the ways that personal faith can help the way someone feels, and how they interact with God.
Cancer patients: The Southern Medical Journal featured a study from Andrew Weaver and Kevin Flannerly describing how the spirituality of cancer patients determined quality of life during care. Those with faith had a better quality of life than those with out it.
Quality of life: Another study, published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, shows that patients with cancer can experience better quality of life when their spiritual needs are supported by a medical team.
Helping patients with faith: “Physicians and Patient Spirituality: Professional Boundaries, Competency, and Ethics,” from the Annals of Internal Medicine, looks at how faith and spirituality can help with coping during times of illness and injury.
Depression and faith: Rush University Medical Center published a study in the Journal of Clinical Psychology looking at how faith can actually help protect patients against the symptoms of depression.
Faith to fight depression: At MIT, a psychoanalyst gave a talk about using faith to fight depression.
Intercessory Prayer and Healing
A number of studies have been done that seem to show that intercessory prayer can work to help patients overcome illness. These studies look at what happens when others pray for those who are ailing in some manner.
Prayer helps heart patients: A Duke University study showed that cardiac patients receiving intercessory prayer in addition to stenting appeared to recover better than those who received coronary stenting alone.
Social work and intercessory prayer: At Arizona State University, a review of different studies of intercessory prayer among social workers showed that small positive effects could be produced with the practice.
Scientists and intercessory prayer: Brandeis University offered an analysis of decades of research on intercessory prayer and presented, in the Journal of Religion, a study that shows that studies about the practice say more about scientists than whether prayer “works.”
Intercessory prayer and belief: This interesting study from The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine looked at how the belief in intercessory prayer affected patients, and found that even though patients didn’t know they were being prayed for, those with belief in prayer saw different results than those with less belief.
Intercessory prayer coronary care: Dr. William Harris and his colleagues performed a study in a coronary care unit, and found that those who had been prayed for did better than those who had not been prayed for.
Hernia patients and prayer: A study was done that appeared to show that intercessory prayers helped produce better outcomes in some variable related to hernia operation recovery than taped messages of suggestions of accelerated recovery.
AIDS and intercessory prayer: Dr. Elisabeth Targ, daughter of a physicist who had studied ESP, published a study alleging that HIV/AIDS patients had better outcomes when prayed for.
Faith, Prayer and Long Life
Does following a faith tradition help lengthen your life and improve your health? Some studies seem to show that if you believe with, and attempt to commune with, a higher power, you might enjoy better health and longer life.
Every day life: The University of Toronto conducted a study about how people believe God influences them — and their health and other decisions — in every day life.
Prayer and relationships: There are studies that link long life and good health to good relationships. A recent study from Florida State University suggests that praying for someone else can better those relationships.
Meditation and health: Stress relief and meditation can aid in your health, and suggests a study from George Mason University, published in Psychological Science, it can also enhance some of your mental abilities.
Controlling diabetes with mindfulness: Mindfulness meditation, based on Vipassana Buddhism was shown to help some improve their health, including helping diabetics control their own blood sugar.
Senior health and religious involvement: High levels of religious involvement among the elderly were associated with lower levels of depression and disability.
Blood pressure and prayer: A study at Duke University found that those who pray regularly and attend religious services often have lower blood pressure than those who don’t.
Studies Suggesting No Link Between Faith, Prayer and Healing
While there are studies that suggest a link between belief in a higher power and healing, there are others that seem to show that such connections do not exist. Here are some studies that might cast doubt on the direct connections between faith, prayer, healing and long life.
Cardiac bypass patients and prayer: A study at Harvard found that those who were certain of receiving intercessory prayer during a heart bypass actually had more complications.
Faith healing studies are dangerous: Dr. Bruce Flamm writes about his findings that putting to much…faith…in faith healing studies and their dubious outcomes can harm more than help.
Child fatalities and religious healing: A study published in Pediatrics looked at the instances of child fatality in sects devoted to faith healing, and found those that shunned medical help in favor of prayer and faith only saw higher deaths.
Kings and prayer: Sir Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darwin, conducted a prayer study, concluding that God doesn’t answer intercessory prayers after discovering that kings who are prayed for live shorter lives than well-to-do, but not royal, people.
No scientific basis for intercessory prayer: This study looks at different instances of intercessory prayer, and finds that in controlled trials, the effects of distance intercessory prayer can’t be substantiated.
Prayer doesn’t help heart patients: A study at Duke found no benefit from intercessory prayer on heart patients, seeming to contradict an earlier study they claimed showed a difference.
Learn weight loss nutrition tips and healthy ways to stay fit from these blogs.
1. Nutrition Data–Weight Loss Blog A source of inspiration and current news about nutrition and weight loss. Learn how Nutrition Data’s powerful tools can make it easier and more fun to eat healthy. Get helpful tips, support, and insights to safely lose the weight you need and keep it off.
2. Feminine Fit Blog Written by a body sculpting and weight loss specialist teaches women how to decrease their body fat and increase their metabolism. His specialty is solving problems about weight loss and helping women their desired goals.
3. Dietriffic An empowering blog that helps you get a better understanding of what it takes to live a healthy lifestyle. There information is evidence based which provides readers with reliable advice.
4. Workout BoxDaily fitness and health advice from a professional team of personal trainers and nutrition consultants. Offered are resources on a broad range of topics.
5. Fitness and Nutrition CenterArticles and other information on health and fitness. Subjects include nutrition, strength training, weight management and cardiovascular exercise.
6. Performance Nutrition BlogA compilation from fitness and nutrition experts located in the New England area. They provide unbiased answers to many nutrition and fitness questions posted.
7. Healthy Food Chart for Everyone Learn how to eat more and weight less. There are healthy food tips, and multiple posts regarding weight loss.
8. Body Incredible A selection of useful articles on nutrition. Explanations of your nutritional needs are translated in a practical way aimed at to get you in great shape and improve your body both inside and out.
9. Weight Loss Center Devoted to providing quality facts on the issues of diet, nutrition, exercise and healthy living. Here you will find helpful reviews, tips and much more.
10. Build muscle and lose fat through strength training, nutrition, and attitude. You’ll learn on this site what to eat and how to get stronger using weight lifting & body-weight exercises to get the physique you want.
Organic & Raw Foods Nutrition
Organic and Raw foods contain higher nutritional value than commercially grown foods.These blogs will provide you with details, recipes and information to help you start eating organically.
11. The Green Nutrition Blog Find out about the how eating processed food can affect your health. You will receive a plethora of information on nutrition and eating organically.
12. It’s All About Nutrition Get educated by a registered and licensed dietician with a passion for nutrition and organic food. Posts are filled with organic gardening, healthy cooking and baking, and fitness
13. Raw Food, Right Now! A group of health conscious people helping others go raw since 2006. This site offers motivation and advice to help you easily bring raw foods into your lifestyle in a way that works for you.
14. Organic Food Now. Think Green This blog is all about Organic food and nutrition. Hear world news and stories from the Organic food industry.
15. The Go Diet A new blog growing with tips and tricks for making the switch over to organic foods for both yourself and your family. Eat healthier and get the latest recipes and current events.
16. Organic Food Info Receive health benefits and nutrition on organic foods. There are several informative articles on the chemicals used in conventional food processing.
17. Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen Ani’s the host of the award winning show on YouTube, Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen Show. She is also the author of a best-selling book about easy, delectable, raw food recipes.
18. Organic Test Kitchen This blog deals with all things related to organic food and living. They review products and provide recipes while discussing environmental issues and conventional food nutrition.
19. Eat. Drink. Better Incredible recipes, notes about restaurants, and what to watch for when starting a healthy and organic diet.
20. The Hot Potato With a focus on food, nutrition and community, this blog will start you on a nutritious lifestyle with the best organic foods one can possibly eat.
21. Choosing Raw Written by a book editor who currently works as a raw foods and nutritious lifestyle coach. She blogs about her experiences as a raw foodist in New York City.
Blogs Written by Experts
Get professional advice about the nutrition you need from these blogs written by experts with years of experience on the subject.
22. Celebrity Diet Doctor Marc Lawrence is a board certified Physician Nutrition Specialist who specializes in weight loss and anti-aging nutrition. He has based his discussions on the successful habits and behaviors of individuals who have lost over 65 lbs.
23. CalorieLab Blog A blog written by several doctors and nutritionists. They offer the most current health news on weight loss, diet, nutrition, fitness, and food.
24. Nutrition with Amy Amy Boltz, RD is a Registered Dietitian, a Licensed Dietitian/Nutritionist and a Certified Personal Trainer through the American Council on Exercise. She currently runs a wellness and nutrition program at the Rothman Institute.
25. Ryan Zielonka Shares his knowledge of training and nutrition after defeated a life-long struggle with obesity five years ago. He has since spent countless hours researching, analyzing, and applying all he knows to physique and nutrition.
26. Balanced Health and Nutrition Rebecca Scritchfield, RD A place to discuss the latest food, nutrition and exercise information. Learn strategies for maintaining health and to explore political and societal issues that stand in the way of getting the nutrition your body needs.
27. Diana Dyer, MS, RD A multiple-time cancer survivor who focuses on nutrition information for cancer patients. She shares her scope of thoughts about life as a cancer survivor, food and nutrition, recipes, our environment and the need for developing food systems that promote health not disease.
28. Mark’s Daily Apple After Mark Sisson was injured in the Olympic trials; he has been dedicated to investigating new research into health, nutrition and fitness. He believes in a set of simple instructions explaining how to control your genes and get the healthiest, strongest, leanest body possible.
29. Marie Spano, MS, RD, FISSN, CSCS Marie is a nutrition communications expert specializing in sports nutrition. She translates Nutrition and Science into real life explanations we can all understand.
30. The Nutrition Blog by Shereen Jegtvig After seeing how eating healthy unhealthy foods impacted her patients’ well-being every day, this blogger decided to give advice and tips to people with her practice as a nutritionist and as a chiropractic physician for 16 years.
31. Nutrition and healthy eating Brought to you by Jennifer Nelson, M.S., R.D. and Katherine Zeratsky, R.D. They provide a specialty program at the Mayo Clinic’s Food & Nutrition Center, bringing you healthy recipes and meal planning.
32. Dr. Johnny Bowden Jonny Bowden, PhD, C.N.S. is a nationally known expert on weight loss, nutrition and health. He is a contributing editor for both Clean Eating magazine and Total Health Magazine.
Following these blogs will help you promote healthy foods and motivate the entire family to work as a team to establish good nutrition at home.
33. Nourishing Thoughts A healthy family nutrition blog with useful information on family and children’s nutrition. Get tips and receive the knowledge to make healthy choices for a lifetime.
34. Kids Nutrition Blog A place for fellow moms to get ideas and tips on making healthy changes for the family without breaking the bank. Share news and advice on the ever changing world of health and nutrition.
35. Nutritional Health News Nutritional and Health News covering children, nutrition, diet. Articles are filled with topics like fats in your food, nutritional facts, dietary supplements, and weight loss.
36. Littlestomaks Written by Mom and Dad PhD engineers. Get the skinny on the science of nutrition and practical information on the internet.
37. Food Politics Receive daily post on current events in food and nutrition politics and policy, mainly those related to agriculture, food, nutrition, and health. The author is a Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University.
38. Free Nutrition Guides and Articles Guides on nutrition, health, and disease prevention through correct nutrition, vitamins and minerals. There are also comments on protein, water, carbohydrates, lipids, malnutrition, and eating disorders.
39. Diet Blog This blog will help you get your family healthy. There is an emphasis on children and the prevention of obesity in today’s society.
40. Baby Nutrition Care Read these essential nutrition tips for pregnant women, babies and toddlers. The goal is to help pregnant women get a better comprehension of the importance of nutrition for them and their children.
41. Kelly the Kitchen Kop Kelly will help you find the best deals on the best foods for you and your family, and as well as teach you what to watch for on ingredient labels. Learn about healthier options and find out what to look for on ingredient labels and how to save time in the kitchen.
Nutritious Lifestyles
These blogs features an array of health topics, nutrition for the mind and body, and help for maintaining an overall healthy and well-balanced lifestyle.
42. Basil & Spice Through interviews, guest blogs, and reviews you are provided with specific health and nutrition information covering all aspects of your daily life. By directly linking authors and their views with the public, you will know a little more about the author and their thoughts on nutrition today.
43. Nutrition Fitness Life Take the stress away by focusing on improving overall health and not just getting skinny. Read individuals’ personal health, fitness, and nutrition battles and triumphs for encouragement.
44. Integrative Nutrition Blog Brought to you by The Institute for Integrative nutrition. Get curious about your food and lifestyle choices. The better you feed yourself, the better you feel and the bigger impact you will have on the world.
45. The Food Medic Learn about specific foods that can help with a number of illnesses such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
46. Nutrition Wonderland Provides an in-depth analysis of major issue in the world of nutrition. They cover the latest developments in both the worlds of traditional and alternative medicine and also explanations of some of the myths heard over the years.
47. The Ethicurean A quest to look for tasty things that are also nutritious, local, and ethical. You will learn everything from food policies and safety alerts, to finding local farm markets in your area.
48. Nutrition A to Z Nutrition A to Z is a blog that gives you the facts on understand your body better. Know about the modern illnesses such as heart attacks and hypertension and how you can use nutrition to prevent it.
49. These articles provide links to how to stop drinking alcohol, reduce stress, reduce fat intake. There are also posts on nutrition and proper quantities of exercise.
50. Nutrition Tips For You Designed to provide high quality information about nutrition, dietary supplements, diet plans and other related topics. Find the best nutrition plan to help you achieve your goal
51. Metabolic Plan This blog main focus is the necessity in today’s world to become knowledgeable about nutrition. Disease illness and obesity are just some of the topics included.
52. Nutrition Unplugged This registered dietitian and mom takes the confusion out of nutrition. She does think that taste and health can happily co-exist.
53. Health, Nutrition, and our Kitchen personal blog about her kitchen, nutrition and health issues. Share with her and her family her struggle to lose weight and maintaining a healthy body.
54. Healthy Perspective Feel your best, work productively, and enjoy life with some help from this blog. Posts are updated frequently with useful content.
Food, Cooking, and Recipes
Eating is one of life’s greatest pleasures. These blogs provide nutritious recipes, tips on the best foods to eat, and the best ways to prepare them.
55. Healthy Eating & Diet A new blog brought to you by WebMD. This is a must read for those of you that have been trying to cook and eat more nutritious foods.
56. Healthy Cooking Tips Blog Professional chef Tim Johnson gives information about good food choices and serving sizes. His recipes are filled with nutritious foods with an abundance of taste.
57. Nutrition & Healthy Cooking A cooking and fitness related blog focusing on nutrition. There are ideas on diet plans, healthy meal ideas, cooking videos, and a lot more.
58. Fat Head Blog You’ll come away with more practical knowledge than a whole college course in regular nutrition from this blog. You will be served plenty of stunning facts about nutrition with a dose of laughter on the side.
59. Power to the Bauer A food lover cooks and bakes in her cramped studio apartment with a commitment to local and nutritious ingredients. Shares her adventures with beautiful photographs, encompassing writing, and recipes.
60. Edible Nutrition This blogger provides you with five years of nutrition expertise. She keeps you up to date with the most up-to-date nutrition approach to health and culinary options.
61. Healthy Eats All about the latest tips, nutrition news, low-calorie recipes and easy ideas for adding fresher, more wholesome foods to your life. A dedicated team of culinary and nutrition professionals give you the smartest and healthiest of choices.
62. Cheap Healthy Good A blog promoting the advancement of frugal, nutritious, ethically-minded food in our everyday lives. All recipes on this site relate to this subject matter.
63. The Nutrition Help Blog If you have questions t regarding common nutrition wisdom such as eating multiple meals than this is a must read blog for you. Get definitions of words like “metabolism” and find out the meaning of the word health.
64. Nutrition Facts, Information and Deficiency Diseases This is a blog about nutrition information, facts and deficiency diseases. There is detailed nutrition information on various fruits like Apples, Mangos and Bananas.
65. The Healthy Food Review find out how to eat healthy and nutritious foods deliciously as possible. Check out regular healthy food reviews and thought on healthy eating and lifestyle issues
Vitamins & Supplements
There are thousands of vitamins and supplements available out there and at times it can be a bit overwhelming. Learn about which ones offer the best health benefits with these blogs.
66. Nutrition Information Learn how to live a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition. This blog focuses on optimal body performance with Fish oil and Omega 3.
67. Best Vitamin Supplement’s blog This blog gives you specifics on supplements either taken alone or combined with other vitamins in a multi-vitamin product. Read about how to regulate your body functions and achieve health.
68. Nutrition Plan for Better Health Care Provides information about ways of getting some extra nutrition to complement your body needs. These supplements can even help with stress related issues such as migraines and even high blood pressure.
69. Vitamins and Supplements A resource for the best data on vitamins and supplements. A great way to find out which vitamins are suited for your body’s needs.
70. Pharmacy Technician Certification A resource for the health community. Their blog covers everything from nutrition, to pharmaceuticals, to general health.
71. The Protein Review Free articles and reviews on protein supplements and products. Maximize your training success with straight forward nutritional information.
72. Nutritional Supplement Truths There are several myths and misunderstandings out there about nutritional supplements. Post your questions and receive open and honest answers.
73. Vegetarian Vitamins Without meat in your diet, your body will probably be nutrient-deficient in some areas. Learn about vegetarian foods that contain iron, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, zinc and protein.
74. Health Supplements It is said that vitamins and supplements can help prevent diseases. This blog serves as a guide to healthy supplement choices.
75. Vitamins for Wellness Information about the various vitamins, what they are used for, their benefits, food sources, dosage and toxicity.
76. Best Vitamin Blog Get sound advice on the best vitamins and supplements for your body. This blog offers reviews and helpful tips to help you find the supplement you need.
Gluten Free
Depending on the foods selected, a gluten free diet can meet the required Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI’s) of the Institute of Medicine. These blogs will let you know about foods you can supplement to receive the nutrition you need.
77. Sure Foods Living With pages of information and a weblog with current medical news, this blogger raises awareness about celiac disease and food sensitivities.
78. Gluten Free By Nature This blog focuses on a seasonal approach to gluten–free living. Chronicle this mom’s culinary journey to help her daughter eat nutritious gluten free food.
79. Karina’s Kitchen After learning she had celiac disease, Karina launched this gluten free recipe blog. Get creative recipes and cooking tips from this experienced gluten free chef.
80. Gluten Free Blog Achieve satisfaction in your gluten free diet. This blog includes Celiac Disease news plus gluten free recipes, foods, products and services.
81. Switch 2 Gluten Free Mike is a struggling gluten-holic! He shows very little signs of having celiac, so has had a hard time motivating himself to stay away from his favorite foods: pizza, Chinese, buffalo chicken tenders, pasta, and Bud Light.
82. Gluten Free Vegan Get tasty, liberating, gluten freedom with these vegan recipes and experiments with cooking.
83 Gluten Free Goodness It is possible to eat delicious food without gluten, dairy, soy, eggs, or corn. These whole Food kitchen experiments will make a believer out of you.
84. Gluten Free Baking with Tiffany Find nutritional analysis of gluten-free flours and baking tips to help you design a healthy gluten-free diet.
85. Simply Gluten Free I used to love gluten but it did not like me back so we broke up. Now I celebrate the abundance and simplicity of gluten free living.
86. G is for Gluten Enjoy the gluten free lifestyle by exploring recipes, different foods and helping other gluten-free people enjoy the lifestyle too. There are some helpful tips also to eat on a budget.
87. Gluten Free: The Celiac Site Designed for people with Celiac Disease for enrichment of the community. Find restaurants, resources, and products that can make it easier.
88. The GFCF Experience A forum for parents, doctors, and educators to write about their experiences with a gluten free diet. This blog was started by a father of a child with autism.
Antioxidants & Anti Aging
There is a great focus on looking young and healthy in today’s society. Reading these blogs on anti-aging and antioxidants can help you learn about increasing longevity, reducing aging and overall good health.
89. Natural Superfoods for Optimal Nutrition & Other Natural Health Solutions Read about foods that can nourish and rejuvenate your body naturally. There is interesting and detailed information on natural foods, serving suggestions and recipes.
90. Jus Antioxidant This site is focused on examining the many health and nutritional benefits of “Jus”, a new antioxidant dietary supplement. Listen to what health experts are saying about its help in counteracting the negative effects of aging.
91. Vibrant Glow Reports on the latest news in natural health and beauty, offers tips for better nutrition, fitness & wellness. This blog gives people the opportunity to live a healthier life.
92. Antioxidant Zone Find balanced in your life when a healthy body is joined with a healthy mind and spirit.
The main point is to focus on antioxidants, health food and an occasional reminder of the whole person.
93. Ladd McNamara, M.D. Updates and discussion regarding antioxidants and the correlation to reduced risk of chronic disease and improved longevity.
94. Ulterior Health Find unseen ways to manage aging with diet, supplements, exercise and avoiding unhealthy foods. Learn about Glutathione and its importance to human health.
95. Antioxidants Explained Read about new studies on antioxidants and how they affect hearing abilities of animals. Scientist are saying that antioxidants may guard animals from hearing loss due to heavy noise exposure which may also be relevant to humans.
96. Acai Berry The bloggers research and write about the benefits of the Acai berry. It has been proven to reduce some of the effects of aging and improve longevity.
97. Real Age Food Bites: Food Bites offers a look at foods that will help you make your body look & feel younger. The posts on this log are informative and updated frequently.
98. Antioxidant Benefits Learn everything there is to know about all the beneficial effects of antioxidants. There are numerous articles from experts and medical professionals.
99. Diets and Anti Aging This blog is about weight loss plans and how to keep your body looking youthful. Learn about food combinations to help on the inside and out.
100. Anti Aging Nutrition News: Check out this blog to find out how you can make nutrition work with you as you age. Helpful hints about water intake and food guidelines will help you to feel your best.
Choosing which foods to eat on a regular basis can affect our health either negatively or positively. With these blogs, we all have the opportunity to improve the lives of ourselves and our loved ones by engaging in foods rich in nutrition.
When I want to know what’s trendy in nutrition, this is where I head. Fried chicken is the new pork belly? Registered dietitian Janet Helm is often the first to report on new brand offerings, top chefs, and the restaurant world.
This website is run by registered dietitians Liz Weiss and Janice Newell Bissex. They provide practical solutions for busy parents on how to improve everyday meals. You’ll find simple substitutions and ideas for can-do recipes that the entire family will love. These ladies also do a weekly podcast full of recipes, mealtime tips, and good humor.
Registered dietitian Estela Schnelle’s site is based on this motto: “Eat when you’re hungry…and eat REAL food.” If we all could do this, we wouldn’t have an obesity epidemic and we’d live longer, healthier lives. Look out for her tasty recipes—she helps “veganize” chocolate chip cookies—and sound nutritional advice.
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Written by Chris Mohr, PhD, and Kara Mohr, PhD, this site provides a lot of useful nutrition and fitness information, and it also covers controversial topics. As parents of a baby daughter, Chris and Kara provide advice that most busy parents and professionals can relate to. Look at this nugget of wisdom: “New Year’s resolutions are merely excuses for what you don’t want to start today.” You’ll love their matter-of-fact tone and helpful tips.
Charles Stuart Platkin, PhD, provides a tough-love approach that shows how many calories we mindlessly eat and how much exercise it would take to burn them off. Did you know you’d have to shop for more than three hours to burn off a Starbuck’s Venti Peppermint Mocha? You’ll also find meal plans, menus, and step-by-step guides for long-lasting weight loss.