Tuesday 1 June 2010

Live a beautiful life.

I’m working towards living my beautiful life. Hope to achieve it in 5 year time or less from now! Bless and pray for me, everyone

read a classic book, or go rent an amazing film. make like the japanese and turn making tea into an act of beauty. appreciate. live with all your senses. remember quotes which mean something to you, write them down. buy a print of a picture which makes you happy and hang it on your wall.

Remember: Life is like a roll of toilet paper – the closer you are to the end, the quicker it runs out!!

Cherish every moment, make it beautiful!

I have been taking a philosophy class and have learned a lot of interesting views on life religion etc. One thing I came across was what is the value of life if you don’t believe in God. If you are a religious person you live your life for God to serve him and spread his word, but if you don’t believe in God then you have nothing to live for? Well according to this philosopher I read about in class he said you make your own goals and once you have accomplished them you have lived a successful and fulfilled life. So I suppose that if my wish is to have children and watch them grow once I have accomplished that I can die and say I have lived a successful and happy life. And that is what a beautiful life is right?

Regardless of how much or how little you have, you can live a beautiful life by making everything a ritual—taking a bath, cleaning the house, cooking and serving meals, putting the kids to bed at night. For example, do you serve food in serving dishes, or straight out of the pan? Do you tuck the kids in bed with a sigh of relief, or do you have a bedtime ritual (i.e., bath, brush teeth, story time, prayers)?

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